My Graphics and Pet pages! :o)

Welcome to the cat page!! I groom dogs all day (and cats) and have 4 cats at home.

Many people think that cats groom themselves. Well, they do, but sometimes the need our help. Really long haired cats, older cats & fat cats (like 2 of mine) need the most help. The long hairs you can figure out why. The older & fat ones need help for a few different reasons.
Sometimes as a cat gets old they develop arthritis so grooming some spots maybe painful. After a while if it hurts they just stop trying to groom those spots. Usually the back & lower legs. It depends on the cat. Fat cats can't reach their backs or their big fat bellies & so can't groom there. You will need to help by brushing.

If you don't brush your cat they do get matted. Sometimes REALLY bad. At a grooming shop we usually only see cats once they are at that point. I've had far too many cats come in that have ripped the mats right from their body leaving a bald spot & the fur hanging on like a flap... YES! EWWW!

Start by brushing your cat as a kitten. This is a great starting point & if it's enjoyable for them it's a great bonding experience. By starting out young, they are so used to it that you can do it while watching tv & having them sit on your lap.

Regular brushing will help to avoid the really tight mats, that will have to be shaved off.

If your cat gets to the point where it needs to be shaved...First & foremost do not try to do this on your own. A cat's skin is not attached to muscle so you have to use extreme caution. A little nick can cause the skin to rip like paper. This is part of why you should help out by brushing. You want to avoid this at ALL costs!

You will want to contact a qualified groomer that works on cats. Not all groomers will work on cats beacuse they sometimes require two people to work on them & they can't be put in a noose like a dog can. They are also not afraid of heights. So they will sometimes try to leap off of the table (that's why you can't use a noose) and can break their necks. They also stress very easily & can work themselves up to the point of a heart attack. THUS, the best advice I can give is to prevent this from ever happening. Get a good brush & a fine toothed comb & make grooming a relaxed & pleasant experience.

From personal experience, my cat Smokey loves to be brushed as long as I am brushing with one hand & petting him with the other. :o)

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