My Graphics and Pet pages! :o) First Aid!First Aid is something that everyone hopes that they will not need, but is a great thing to know. Just in case! Some pet stores sell First aid kits that you can keep handy in case of emergency. If you don't have time to pick up a kit & you have an immediate problem things to keep handy are...

Neosporin or Bacitracin - either of these can be applied as you would to a person. Make sure to wrap the spot if your dog is a "chewer"

Gauze - Use to wrap small cuts. Can also be used to help apply pressure to a bleeding wound.

Vet wrap (it's that kind of sticky wrap stuff that vets use to bandage over gauze) This can also be placed over gauze to prevent a dog for licking or chewing.

something to use as a splint (newspapers or magazines work ok in a pinch)In the case of a broken leg.

Hydrogen peroxide (this in small amounts & watered down can be used to induce vomiting) This has proved invaluable to customers who catch their dogs in the process of eating something that they shouldn't usually chocolate. Administer about 1/2 a teaspoon with water to help induce vomiting. If the dog doesn't vomit, or if you're not sure of what was ingested... pesticide, antifreeze DO NOT induce vomiting. Call a vet immediately!

Quik Stop - This is a powder that can be used on bleeding nails or very small cuts to stop the bleeding.

In the case of possible poisoning, you'll want to call your vet. Flea collars are one of things that can poison your pet. If you notice after putting a collar on your dog or even applying one of the topical onitments for fleas or ticks that your dog is not him or herself, remove the collar or ointment immediately. With the collar you can just take it off, & see if the dogs behaviour improves. In the case of the ointment wash it off, using diluted dawn. This works the same as when removing skunk spray, the ointment is an oil base & using Dawn will help, but you may want to contact your vet just to be on the safe side.

I hope the information here is helpful & please return often to see what I've added!

This is all I have for the moment... like I've mentioned before these pages are a work in progress, so if you have a question about something or would like to see something included feel free to email me! :o)

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