A Thousand Words Are Worth a Picture
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Me Place
Welcome to the Odd-essy

You there! Get off the grass - Oh, I'm sorry - didn't recognize you for a minute there.

Anyway, welcome to the Odd-essy. Below you can see a wide varity of "What Character/Animal/Food/Sexual Position/ect are You?" tests that I've taken over the years. At this juncture, I find it necessary to let you know that these quizzes are not my creation and that most you can take yourself by clicking on the picture or on the links.

In the future, I will be trying these links out to see how many of these tests are still takable - those will be marked by some sort of symbol. But, for now, take your chances and enjoy the quizzes!

The first on is the What Muppet Character are You Quiz. As you can see, I am Kermit. I do like Kermit a lot, but I'm not quite . . . green enough. Oh well.

You are Kermit!
Though you're technically the star, you're pretty mellow and don't mind letting others share the spotlight. You are also something of a dreamer.

This next is the Which Buffy the Vampire Slayer Character are You Quiz. Being such a Giles fan, I was quite pleased with getting Rupert Giles as me. And they're right . . . I can sing.

Which Buffy the Vampire Slayer character are you?

This one is the M*A*S*H Character Quiz. This time I am Father Fransis John Patrick Mulcahy. Yet again, I am my favorite character. This either is a coinsidence or I identify too much with these people. Either way, here it is.

Click here to take the M*A*S*H quiz!

Here now is the What X-Man are You Quiz. I got Jubilation Lee, thereby breaking the endless tide of being the character that I most like. Not that I don't like lil' Jubes-- there are just other characters (Storm, Gambit, Beast) that I like better.

Jubilation Lee
I'm Jubilation Lee
What X-Men Character are You?

This one is the What Color Kid are You Quiz. Anyone else rembember Rainbow Brite? Anyway, I am the Wonderful, Wild, . . . Shy Violet! Not my favorite character (mine was the horse), but, hey, it's a living.

Which Rainbow Brite kid are you? By Growing.

In rapid succesion, I took two Star Trek Quizzes. One from Enterprise (a show that I'm not all that wild about) and the Original Series (which, despite (or inspite) of it's campiness, I love). The first one is the Enterprise one because . . . because!

I am Captin Archer (emissary of the Gorgonites). So in a way, I am Scott Bakula who was responsible for bringing the very cool Sam Beckett to life. So I'm okay with this result.

You're Captain Archer! You're always in control of situations and are very adventurous. You're a leader, but you're also laid back and willing to listen to what others have to say. You look a great deal like a scientist from 1999 named Dr. Sam Beckett.

Take the Enterprise Quiz!

Brought to you by redanubis.

The other Star Trek Quiz result for me was, once again, my favorite character: Dr. Lenord(Bones)McCoy. Very cool. I am very happy. More happy than I really should be considering that he's made up and I took a quiz that someone pulled out of their warped brain. Oh well, if I'm crazy, at least I'll be with friends.

(I might have to get my own picture of McCoy since the one that came with the code I was given to copy off the web site says "Claws off my Bandwidth you socially retarded piece of anal filth."

But hey, I ain't mad. I'm a little irked, but I'm not mad. I think I'll email the owner about this thing though. I mean, it's not like I stole the picture-- hello, I was given it to copy!

*sigh* Down below is the place where you too can take the quiz. I'm going to contact the site and see if I can't find out what's up with the banners.)
Take the Which Star Trek character are you? Quiz @ Brain Candy!

Okay ... What's next? This is the What Kind of Samurai Jack fan are you? Quiz. This result actually fits me pretty well - I'll watch anything as long as there are good characters I care about.

I'm an Art Loving Critic!
Everything from the backgrounds to the characterizations. This isn't a cartoon, this is art!

Now, what zodiac sign would you have if the stars had come to you and asked what month you should be born in. As for me, strangely enough, I remain a Gemini ... Spooky.

Discover your Zodiac Personality
Discover your Zodiac Personality @ Quiz Me

I'd make a lame 'Walk Like an Egyptian" joke but why? I always wondered why I was such a big cat fan. Now I know.

If I had lived 4500 years ago, I would have been...
an Egyptian!

One of the first civilizations (and also the longest lasting) was Egypt. Most famous for the gigantic tombs of stone called the pyramids, they also established many things that we take for granted today: a 365 day calender, paper, and basic arithmetic to name a few.

When you want something done, you get it done! You're very determined and practice at things until you like the result. Chances are you're a perfectionist, but hey, that's a good thing!

~ TAZL.com ~ Take Quiz ~

I guess, if I had to be a big wild cat, a puma is not too shabby :)

If I were a cat, I would be a… Puma!

The Puma (Felis concolor) is an unmarked, tawny cat which possesses, along with great elegance and agility, many commonly used names. The most widespread of its labels are Cougar, Panther, Mountain Lion, and Catamount. They live over a broad range in all of the Americas.

Being the Puma (or whatever you want to call it!), you are a very strong individual and have a great capability of succeeding at whatever you wish to accomplish. You are cunning when in sticky situations and adept at puzzles and riddles.

- TAZL.com - Take the Quiz -

Again, I am my favorite character . . . Maybe I need to get out more :)

you are Cyborg 002- able to fly, he doesn't trust very many people.
You are Cyborg 002--Jet Link

Which Cyborg 009 Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

This is a Meme from livejournal.com . . . II've never heard anything by Elvis Costello, so I can't say as it's completely accurate.
what are the theme songs of your life?
Full Name
love life theme song like a virgin- madonna
social status theme song complicated- avril lavigne
school life theme song charm school- elvis costello
party life theme song fight fo your right to party- beastie boys
your theme song kiss me- sixpence none the richer
This QuickKwiz by lovemycr85 - Taken 3020 Times.
New - COOL Dating Tips and Romance Advice!

Well, he's not my favorite character, but he is one of the slightly less insane ones on the show so, Yay me!


You are Cleveland. You enjoy fried foods,
but mainly fried chicken. You are the
level-headed friend who always tries to bring
people together in harmony.

Again, not my favorite character, but a good 'un none the less.

You are MARLIN!
Which Finding Nemo Character Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

I've never had pocky before, but it certainly sounds tasty.

what flavor pocky are you?

[c] sugardew

If you've gone to the Me Place, you know that this does not look anything like me. But she's sure cute . . . I wish I could draw that well :)

you as an anime girl (with pics) by ayane isozaki
Date of Birth
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Now we're getting into political territory . . . Yeah, this is me. Go, Libertarians!

You Are a "Don't Tread On Me" Libertarian

You distrust the government, are fiercely independent, and don't belong in either party. Religion and politics should never mix, in your opinion... and you feel opressed by both. You don't want the government to cramp your self made style. Or anyone else's for that matter. You're proud to say that you're pro-choice on absolutely everything!
That's all for now, but I plan on adding more shortly!

By the by, if you have any comments on my little page (such as: "one of your links don't work" or "I thought such and such was" or even "Who designed this page? A blind monkey?"), feel free to send them to me.