A Thousand Words Are Worth a Picture |
Ah, so you've come for the pretty pictures, huh? Well, feel free to look and take; just know that, as with everything, these as well come with a price. The price is that you tell that you are taking. That's it.
Otherwise, do what you want and modify as you like - I don't have a leg to stand on were I to try and stop you.
Click on a Link below to select icons featuring that character (Still all Midori no Hibi or Midori Days icons).
Midori, Seiji, Ayase, Lucy, Shori, Nao, Kouta, Miyahara, Takamizawa, Rin, Spoliers. Newest icons are at the bottom of each section!
Excited Midori
I just love lil' Midori. She's so kwoot!
Winking Midori
Hmmm. Yep, still cute . . . She looks a lot like a puppet here though.
Just Realizing What Being Attatched to Seiji-kun's Arm Means Midori
This one's a little wierd but gotta love that expression :)
Scared/ Embarrassed Midori
Poor Midori! Here she is human sized. The text is taken from the panel and it really fit well into the icon. I also have it sans text in case you want to write something else.
Hopeful Midori
Awww. How could you say no?
Day Dreamin' Midori
A look into Midori's odd fantasy life. The text are her own words. It's hard to tell in the icon, but Seiji-kun is drunk and wearing a tie around his head. Aren't they cute?
Trying to Sneak a Kiss Midori
Now with two sizes to choose from! No text ... I think the pic speaks for itself ;)
Little Green Riding Hood Midori
Nope. No one will see through this disguise, no sir ;).
Mobster Midori
Here's a girl youcould use in a pinch. The first time I saw this picture, I laughed my butt off; something about Midori in the Mafia really tickles me :)
Blushing Midori
Here's Midoir doing that head rubbing, sweat dropping blushing thing ... Still cute.
Passed Out Midori
This piccie is really cute in the sense of, well, looking at her in it. The reason why she's asleep is a little less cute. I won't tell you the reason, 'cause that would ruin it, but alcohol was involved.
Squirmin' Midori
What can I say? Squirm, squirm :)
Sleeping Midori and Seiji
Ahhh. The Japanese text is just snoring noises.
Huh? Midori
She's just so adorable!
Livid Midori
This isn't a side to her that you see very often . . . She's kind of scary, really.
Hand Holding Midori
Even if you didn't have any idea what this manga was about, I still think that this image would be a touching one (no pun intended!)
Conked Midori
Here's Midori looking a little conked out.
Mummy Midori
Mummies shouldn't look this happy.
Forceful Midori
Midori is a gal who doesn't take no for an answer.
Princess Midori
Midori as royalty . . . it works for me.
Not-Very-Happy-At-All Midori
Here is Midori looking very annoyed/ pissed . . . Still cute.
Shaking with Rage Midori
Midori has just been used. She is not happy. She is about to become violent. Poor Seji.
Frustrated Midori
Don't you wish that people would just get to the point sometimes?
Zombie Midori
Empty, soul-less gaze? Check. Dangerously blank expression? Check. A hint of doom? Check and check.
Just Hearing Midori's Confession Seiji
Awww. Inn't he cute? He's just so happy!
Day Dreamin' Seiji
It's just so sweet! Does anyone else notice dream girl's simularity to our friend Midori? Hmmmm . . .
MadDog Sawamura
Here's the MadDog we all know and love. The text is what he says in the panel. He's scary when he loses his pupils :)
Concerned Seiji
He just looks so caring. He's so sweet.
Disgusted Seiji
Not disgusted, exactly ... More of a bored contempt. I like it!
Kid/ Angel Seiji
Just a cute pic of Seiji as a young'en. He looks like such a lil' angel, don't he?
Flower Rippin' Seiji
Not that you can see any of the flowers, but that's what he's doing. He looks so pissed :)
Crying Seiji
Here's Seiji crying his eyes out. Hmmm. I couldn't cut out the other guy who was crying, but he's not all that noticeable anyway. Yeah.
In the Dark Seiji
So good we need two versions :) Seiji looks so cute when he's confused/ shocked/ startled.
Demon Seiji
This creepy fella is someone's nightmare version of our hero ... They don't know him very well, do they?
The Old Mad Dog Sawamura
These are from Mad Dog's old days. When he beat up whole gangs, flipped over police cars and stole porn vending machines ... Looks creepy without a nose and pupils.
Sleep Walkin' Seiji
Poor guy. He looks so tired.
Super Surprised Seiji
Just look at him . . . It's Rin's fault. That's all I can say :)
Freaked Seji
Seji looks pretty darned freaked.
Smiling for the Camera Ayase
But Midori isn't the only gal interested in our Seiji. Here's Ayase with a little smile.
Blushing Ayase
Ayase blushing. Because she's holding Seiji's hand. While he's unconcious. Won't ruin the story for you :)
Freakin' Out Ayase
Here's Ayase. She's really funny when she gets like this.
Kneeling and Embarrassed Ayase
Here she is doing that falling over in embarrassment anime thing. Eh, it's cute.
Stunned Ayase
Ayase's brain is popping.
Laughing Lucy
Ahh. Lucy. When isn't she laughing? :)
Amazing Colored Lucy
Lucy again. She's just so ... Bubblely. Don't think she and Seiji would go well together, but she's cute.
Puzzled Lucy
Some more icons of our fav American! Here she is confused. Very, very confused.
Sad Shori
She looks so down; don't ya' just wanna give her a hug?
Chu Shori
I just love the look on Seiji's face while she's doing this.
Mallet Wielding Nao
Here's Nao with her weapon of choice ... She's a strange fish, no doubt about it. Look under Spoilers to see another icon featuring our girl Nao!
Start of Hero Worship Kouta
You can just see the hero worship growing in those big eyes of his. Kouta's very cute when he's ... well, doing anything, really :)
Fallin' in Love Kouta
And so it begins. I won't tell you who he's in love with ('cause I wouldn't wanna ruin it for you) but you don't need to know that to just love the no nosed cuteness.
Determined Kouta
Ah. Kouta complete with back-bone. He's a man on a mission ... Well, boy on a quest, anyway :)
Very Cute Kouta
Wow, this boy is so cute. Look how happy he looks - it's too wonderful.
Dispondent Kouta
Here he is doing that anime, puff of air, sighing thing.
Look under Spoilers to see a couple other icons featuring our boy.
Asking For A Favor Miyahara
As far as underlings go, I guess he's cool. He looks pretty cute in this piccie.
Freaked Miyahara
I love how freaked out he looks (I just wish that I'd been able to keep Seiji in there - it was wicked funny). Now with "WTF!"
Just Noticing Something Interesting Miyahara
I love the three lil' lines next to his head - they rock. If you wanna know what he's looking at, go here. Slight Spoiler!
Candid Photo Taking Takamizawa
Here is our pal Takkie (I hate spelling out that big long name - God, it's a mouth full!) doing one of the things he does best ... being creepy/ stalkery. Still, he's good for a laugh!
Getting His Just Desserts Takamizawa
I only wish that the panel that showed the little girl tapping him with her foot would have fit ... Anyway, he did have this coming - I just can't tell you why ;)
Grinning Like a Wild Woman Rin
Not last and not least, here is Seiji's loving sister ... I think this pic is just her all over. She's so devious. Gotta love a woman who can kick serious ass.
Laughing in a Evil Way Rin
Here's Rin doing what does best: being evil. But I like her anyway.
Laughing at the Expense of Someone Else Rin
Look at her, she's laughing so hard she's starting to tear up! This is the other thing she does well.
Happy Drunk Rin
Did I mention that Rin also enjoys her spirits? No? Well, here she is making an offering to the God of Future Hangovers.
Devil Woman Rin
Here is were we find out that Rin isn't actually Seiji's sister, but an evil demon intent on eating his soul . . . Well, no, but it's a good story :)
Confessing Her Crush to Midori Nao
Finally! A female character (besides his sister) in the manga not interested in Seiji. It's such a cute lil' scene ... I just wish that I could have fit Seiji in there - the look on his face is priceless! "Wonderful" is what she says in the panel and I thought it really fit (unlike the speech bubble which didn't).
Angry Girl Seiji
... Yeah. Nice to know a wardrobe change doesn't make Seiji act any different :)
One thing's for sure though: he does make a fine lookin' woman ;)
Here is Kouta as a girl with a very . . . crushed look on his face. I won't tell you why he's crushed (or why he's dressed like a girl) but it's a very poignant shot anyway.
Go Back to Main Page By the by, if you have any comments on my little page (such as: "one of your links don't work" or "I thought such and such was" or even "Who designed this page? A blind monkey?"), feel free to send them to me.