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Why Some Asian Guys Hate Asian Girls

You all wear too much makeup to try to impress the guys when we clown on the girl with the most makeup.

You all go to the mall in clans looking the same.

You think any import car with any modification is "hella tight".

You all say "hella" too much. Example: "Dats hella fucked up" or "Dats hella tight yo"

You all have fake ass high pitched voices.

You only go out with guys that drive a civic or Integra and it has to be fixed up... like you girls know anything about cars anyway...

You all secretly compete to see who gets the "finest" guy and when you think you've won... that same guy fucks your best friend.

You are all too damn superficial and shallow.

You all think you're just sooooo cute with that fake ass cutie act, I hate to ruin it for you guys pretend to fall for that shit.

And on AOL you have to tYpE LiKe tHiS aNd iT's rEaLLy aNNoYiNg... and to the guys that type like that: you're a queer!

On all of your voicemail greetings you say the same thing...example: "wassup wassup wassup yo, you hit it up to my pager (NO SHIT!!) and before I go I wanna give some shoutouts to mah friends, 12, 87, 213, 666, 123, ABC... and my baby boo 69 I love you baby...aight peace" and of course you all have some played out slow jam playing in the background as your fake voice is saying the above.. HEY HEY! We can't understand a fucking word you're saying!! SHUT UP!!

All the fat ones wear the tightest fitting clothes..... EEEEWWWW!!!!!

You are all trend followers.

In chatrooms the first thing you all say is "Where are all the foine guys at?" Oh, like you're all that yourself...all the fine guys are out with girls... not on AOL like your desperate ass.

You do not look good in those puffy jackets... you look like the friggin marshmallow man with long hair. And guys... why do you wear those jackets when it's 100 degrees outside? You look stupid.

You think any bald guy is "foine"...the "Mr. Clean" look is played.

A Civic is a commuter car!! Not a Ferrari... so stop dreaming.

You all listen to the same music.

Polo and Nautica aren't the only brands that exist you narrow minded trend followers.

When it's like 10 degrees outside you bitches still wear daisydukes and other hoe clothes to a club...

You girls think you're soooo cool that when you get to a pretend to find your name on the hookup guestlist to get in the club for free... but your sorry ass just ends up payin like the rest... lemme tell you something girl... you ain't special... deal with it.

You think you're the shit cuz you got in with the DJ that is just usin you for sex.

And girls... just cuz you can't find a guy to dance with... you all get together into a little corner and dance alone so that when you go home you can tell all your friends that you danced all night.

You girls wear NIKE, and half of you can't even play ball!

All you lie and say how you can race when you can't even drive stick!! Go home with your dad's 1989 grey Camry with only one headlight working...

You teenie boppers think you're the shit using those fake i.d.'s to get into clubs.. the bouncer knows it's fake but he falls for your damn cutiepie act. So you get in and you tell everyone that you're 19 or 20 and try to mack on guys with nice cars... then one of the guys fucks you then forgets you... haha. you deserve it!! stick to your high school dances til you're 18 alright??

And you AOL girls ask us for a gif then you end up not sending yours cuz your ugly ass don't have one, your ugly ass ain't worth a scan.

The stupidest thing I've seen an Asian girl do: have a screen name like "Tommygirl" He's a fuckin racist bastard you stupid hoe!!

You all think you're soo kewl hanging out with wannabe gangsters... well ladies... I hate to break it to you... they're only using you for sex... nothing else... they don't give a rat's ass about you... they're just a bunch of wannabes with guns cuz they can't fight...

And finally ladies... you are all stuck up hoes that think you're all that... and you believe anything any guy tells you cuz you're so desperate.

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