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How To Be A Asian Gangster


1. Your car probably looks like this by now.

2. Wears a Buddha bracelet on wrist.

3. Start smoking cigarettes by the age of 13.

4. Wear some really baggy pants with a white logo T-shirt.

5. Have either the typical Asian haircut with long dyed bangs or some slicked back hair.

6. Still trying to lose virginity to some clueless babe.

7. Kiss up to older gang members to increase rank.


1. Sport a lot of gold jewelry to show off.

2. Wear nice tight pants, with HK-Style See-Through Shirts.

3. Been Smoking for at least 10 years.

4. Still trying to lose virginity to some clueless babe.

5. Tell stories about glorious past to younger gangsters.

6. Treat the teenagers good so they can introduce you to young virgin girls.

7. Living at home with parents, still!

8. Slick back hair, or just regular Asian haircut.

9. Show off with guns and drugs which actually belong to someone else.

10. Hang out in gambling dens and massage parlors, but never do anything but watch the other people.


1. Sport A LOT of Jewelry! Expensive shades, expensive EVERYTHING!

2. Wear nice pants like construction workers, or wear some Italian suits like REAL businessmen.

3. Probably quit smoking cause you think you got lung cancer.

4. Still trying to lose virginity to some clueless babe.

5. Never really appear in public so your followers think you are always doing something secretive.

6. Spiky hair, or real old style '70s '80s cut.

7. When asked for "stuff" or money, always reply "Later, it's not the right time." In fact, you just don't have any.

8. Own the gambling dens and massage parlors, but the only customers are own gang members/followers.

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