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November 2002

Life in the Fast Lane
"peeled out" by Charlie "Bud" Doerge

Well, seems like winter is fast on the way. The end of another season of car shows, flea markets, and racing. Just got finished watching Tony Stewart win the 2002 NASCAR Championship. Also got a few more “go-fast” parts for the Stinger for the upcoming season. Upcoming events for Bayshore in the near future are elections for officers and the Bayshore Christmas Party. I’ll continue tech sessions for the next year as long as interest is shown. That means you’ve gotta support them....

As the garage is overflowing with stuff from my mom’s house (we sold it!), what I’d like to do for this session is not Corvair related. I’d like to move my “green room” temporary garage from the side of the detached garage into the back yard. My son was already by and leveled an area for it and last month we moved the majority of “stuff” out of it. I need 3-4 “bodies” to help disassemble it and move it to the back yard. Sunday, November 24, 12PM is the scheduled move. Please plan to attend and give a hand...

As noted previously, Pocono was once more a rousing success. It keeps getting better and easier to run every year. A lot of talk on Virtual Vairs and Fastvair centered around the fact that not many Corvairs attend. It was started as a Corvair event and has evolved to what it is because that is what the people (the ones who pay the bill) want. We would be happy to give timing, free lunch, trophies, t-shirts and whatever, IF WE COULD GET THE PARTICIPATION. Can you say pre-registration??

Will wait till January to revamp the Classifieds, think about what you want to get rid of and what you need. Come on out to the meeting, I’ll see you there and have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!....

Bayshore Corvair Association, Inc. is a chartered chapter of the Corvair Society of America (CORSA), P.O. Box 607, Lemont, IL, 60439-0607. Membership in CORSA is highly recommended.

Regular monthly meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month and begin at 8:00pm. Membership dues are $15 per person per year and payable in January.

Articles, classified advertising, news and Corvair related items are welcome for publication by the editor. Free classified ads are available to private parties. Commercial Advertising rates are $6.00 per half page, $10.00 per full page.

Deadline for publication is the first Wednesday of the month, for the months newsletter.
Forward all articles and photos to the newsletter editor online or mail them to Bayshore Corvair Association, P.O. Box 815, Jackson, NJ 08527.

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