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This is a figment of your imagination

Mountain of the Muses The Muses were said to dwell on Mt. Helicon or Mt. Parnassus.

"O Muses! O High Genius! Be my aid!" - The Descent: Canto II The Inferno;

"The Muses are nine as one
They are all of one mind
And, dancing, they are of one body
As they turn, leap, and wind
And, as a chorus, of one voice
Harmonizing as they sing
And they are all of one heart
In passionate art rejoicing
They are all of one spirit
Daughters of thundering Jove
Individual in thier talents
Sisters united by love.
-Joseph M Barat

"From the Muses of Mt. Helicon let us begin our singing, that haunt Helicon's great and holy mountain, and dance on their soft feet round the violet-dark spring and the altar of the mighty Son of Kronos...From there they go forth, veiled in thick mist, and walk by night, uttering beautiful voice, singing of Zeus who bears the aegis."
-from Hesiod's "Theogony"

"Arts with thy sweet graces graced be;" Sonnet 78.12 -William Shakespeare

ART Thou A-MUSED?Who art the Muses?

Who is this Devyn guy anyway?Who is Devyn?

"Fair-voiced"Calliope - Epic Poetry

"Proclaimer"Clio - History

"Lovely"Erato - Love Poetry

"Giver of Pleasure"Euterpe - Music & Lyric Poetry

"Songstress"Melpomene - Tragedy

"She of Many Hymns"Polyhymnia - Sacred Music & Poetry

"Whirler"Terpsichore Dance

"Flourishing"Thalia - Comedy

"Heavenly"Urania - Astronomy

"My Muse labors, and thus She is delivered." - Iago II i Othello

Apollo & the Muses

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This site was last updated 11/26/99