Proposals Made to Vote on:
As most of you know, Pastor Greg will be leaving us next year. At our annual meeting, a motion was made and passed to establish a restricted account to receive donations from those who would like to help fund Pastor’s health insurance costs going forward (see full motion below). If you would like to donate to this fund, please make your check payable to King of Kings Church and mark your Check “PG Fund” in the notation. Thank you.
The Council of King of Kings Church make a motion that:
That a restricted account be set up to receive donations to be used to pay as much of Pastor Greg's health insurance costs as possible. The funds will be paid out as agreed to by Pastor Greg and the Church Council. Any unspent funds remaining in this account will be paid to Pastor Greg when he turns 65.
Another motion that was made and passed; because King of Kings has been unable to give the staff a raise in pay for the past three years,
The Council of King of Kings Church make a motion that:
At the end of the next fiscal year, in the event of a surplus up to the first $10,000 of said surplus may be distributed to our staff members as recommended by the Executive Committee and approved by Council.
If you would like to read the Council Committee Reports Click here-> Year End Reports 2006