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  King of Kings
Lutheran Church

Middletown N.J.


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This Prayer List was updated last on 9/23/06


Tune in at 9!

Please unite with us in prayer at 9:00 p.m. each evening.  As you do, remember also the leaders of our church and our mission.  Whether you pray at 9:00 a.m., 9:00 p.m., or in between know that God hears and that in prayer there is power!

Continue to remember all of our young people in school and pray for their safety.

Our prayer for mankind is that we learn to LOVE  one another and stop the hatred and terror throughout the world: that mankind learn HE is the same GOD no matter how people worship HIM.

 He made us all no matter our color or nationality…



DAVID DIEHL,return to good health (son-in-law of Grandma Esther)

JOBE ROBINETTE, 3yr. Old who severed his finger. (Great -Grandson of Grandma Esther)

TED BRYAN,as he struggles with his sister and father with cancer.

NORMAN MORSBACH, Suffering with cancer. ( cousin of Grandma Esther)

ROSE DEMAIO,as she undergoes treatments for leukemia (friend of Nancy Scharff's)

CATHERINE BINION. ,is having repetitive problems breathing. And has now broken her hip, undergoing surgery. Please continue to pray that she will be at peace facing whatever she has to face. (Mary Johnsen’s mom)

DAVID DORSEY,is going through testing for a neurological problem . ( son of Chuck & Jan Dorsey)

JOAN CZESNIK,as she recovers from a broken hip.

The Family and Friends of FLORENCE COONEY, in their grief over her death.

RAY WOLCHAK,undergoing test. ( brother-in-law of Ruth Wolchak)

JOHN CACCURA, Friend of Carol Heinis suffering from cancer.

DORIS HOLDEN, is in Sloan Kettering hosp. recovering from cancer surgery and now has developed heart problems.

DORIS BUECHE,friend of Linda Soden undergoing heart tests and procedures.

JOAN FALLON, recovering from multiple strokes. (Nancy Bock’s mom)

PAUL SWANSON, Having surgery on Aug 31st. ( son of Adelaide SwansonBonner)

EMMA-JEAN DELK,recovering from a car accident. Ease her anxiety about driving again.

EILEEN OSBORNE, Pray for improved health for her respiratory problems and concerns.

SIMONE SCHULTZE,3 1/2 year old diagnosed with leukemia, and is undergoing Chemo. having heart problems.

KATIE FERRARIS, diagnosed with leukemia. (Vicki Kenney's niece)

ESTHER BRUNNER, having heart problems.

RON GUETHER,be with him in his time of need. (Eric Guether’s dad)

TONY SALERNO,a 2 ½ year old being treated for neuroblastoma. (grandson of Betty & Eli Dworkin, friends of the Schuelers)

MARGIT MIKKELLSEN, as she battles cancer.

ROBERT MINTO, May the healing hand of our Lord hold him close.

We pray for all those suffering from the conditions in Bosnia. Kosovo, Japan in all parts of the world.  All families who are suffering; give them strength and encouragement. We pray for husbands and wives to grow closer to each other and grow together in faith.  For all children; let them live and grow in loving and understanding households.  Help us to protect all children in the world and see that no child should go hungry or be abused in any way.

Be with those who have AIDS and their families and give them strength and hope.

We pray for the MEN and WOMEN in the ARMED FORCES who are serving our UNITED STATES here and in foreign lands.  We remember the people in the world living under political and religious oppression

.           We thank everyone for their prayers for those who have been removed from the list and are doing fine.

When you place a person on the prayer list they will remain there for one month unless you notify the office to keep them on the list.  Please notify the office of answered prayer too!  Thank you.

Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.

Colossians 4: 2