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Name: Patricia M. Steinman
Birthday: January 13 (gifts accepted on such date)
Height: tall enough
Weight: undisclosed
Hometown: Rumson, NJ (nestled between Bruce Springsteen and Jon Bon Jovi)
Marital Status: ???????

"Vote Republican. We don't screw around!"

Wrestlers she Currently Manages:
"As Seen on TV" Joe Rules

Wrestlers she has Managed in the Past:
"Superstar" Lance Diamond (now known as ECW's Simon Diamond)
The "Celebrity" Chris Krueger
"Sterling" Rick Silver

Wrestlers Who Have Held Championships Under Her Tutilage:
Joe Rules (UWC North American Title)
Chris Krueger (PCW Commonwealth Title)

Other Awards and Accolades:
PCW September 1998 Wrestler of the Month

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