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Not Going to Sting

my daughter recently proclaimed that she had gone through the worst few days of her life. I took her into my arms, as any father would do, and said, “you ain’t seen nothing yet”. I was trying to console but realized that reality was less then encouraging. We all have been where she is though. In the events that were leading up to prom and graduation, there were things that just weren’t going the way she wanted it to go.

To those of us who are parents, I just heard you all chortle, and to the others, just be patient, you too will see the irony in these words. Nothing goes according to the plans we make. I don’t know why we would expect that it would, after all the words are crystal clear on these matters. Proverbs says it more then two places that plans are made by man, but the will of God is done. Certainly the message should be that unless our plans are in accordance with God’s will then they will go awry. And when they do, boy they can send us for a loop that will land us on our hind quarters. For some of us, that will be a cushier landing then for others. Regardless of the landing, the purpose will be served.

We all should recognize that too, that when life seems to be on downturns more then upswings that it might mean a reconsideration of our motives, that they may not be in accordance with the Word. Believe me, it is not an easy thing at all. God’s plans are not our plans and His look is BIG picture, while ours is narrow minded, perhaps even self centered. Even as this message rambles on, I need to get back to what God put in my mind to write……

Here it is, no matter where we are in life and how miserable we may consider things are, they are pale compared to what could be ahead. When I woke, someone was reading from the book of revelation. This wasn’t per chance, I actually had placed a Bible dvd but the reading from revelation was. It was from the 9th chapter. where the 5th and 6th trumpets are sounded. This brings locusts from the bottomless pit, with the authority of scorpions. Their direction is to seek out and torture for five months those people who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads.

Please understand the connection between the two, not following God’s will for your life is akin to not having the sign of God on your forehead. Plans gone wrong because they are not in alliance with the word of God, fall apart are stinging and as painful as the torture of the locust. Eventually the pain is the same, and the solution becomes the same, follow God. Look at your life, your plans, check and recheck those plans that they are constantly in alignment with the word of God and the bad days will be behind you and the torture will never sting you…..