Testimony of the Unbreakable
There is remarkable testimony of Christ’s miracles circulating in the Christian communities these days. It concerns a wonderful singer of rock band called Fireflight, Dawn Richardson. Fireflight has released their new cd, Unbreakable. Literally days before they went into the studio to record, Dawn was diagnosed with some throat, voice box, calamity that was supposed to have curtailed her not only singing but even to speak. Imagine the crushing blow that she and the band must have endured. It is afterall still a business that requires products which must excel in a very competitive and demanding industry.
It is only through the grace of God that she not only was able to perform but did so at an extreme level. In her own words, it was the best she ever sang. Their song from that cd is currently high on the music charts. It is of no surprise but is of continued amazement to me that the song’s name is Unbreakable. I am amazed because God knew this project and its pertinence to the many lives it would touch and would not allow it to fail, regardless of what the doctors would diagnose.
Somehow Dawn and Fireflight were not going to be denied; they were going to place the message of how living with God as your Savior will never ever fail you. When you realize this type of faith, you are indeed unbreakable. This faith generates the confidence to go on. In the weakness of having heard this news, she was made strong by God’s grace, and once the song is heard, it is chilling to hear the power and defiance in her voice. It is her singing from the range of musical mountaintops, of God and the faithful’s victory over the earth’s adversities, calamities and chaos.
Many times I have written of the dramatic fashion we all look for, before we believe in God’s involvement in our lives. This is the burning bush, this is the parting of the sea that we all think we need to see before we surrender. Imagine were the band not unbreakable, we would never hear this song, never been inspired by the courage of this singer and her bandmates.
What tragedy is in your life today, what dead ends and closures will shock, stun and suck the wind from you? Terminal illness, death, broken lives and loves, financial ruins, addictions? God has promised the faithful eternal life, how do we dare to complain over our life’s shortcomings in the face of that promise? What then can separate us from the love of God? God’s grace is sufficient for us, for all of us, always and in every situation. Always and in every situation, let that sink in, every time and any situation. This realization of faith should cause us all some measure of embarrassment. How do we even consider that we have a need for anything else beyond the grace of God’s love and mercy?
I am so moved by this story that I have made my laptop screensaver a picture of Dawn and Fireflight in mid song. Go and seek out Fireflight, not for the accomplishments of the band, but because of the testimony of a faith that is unbreakable…….