There is a manager at work, who I am not particularly fond of. I think managers need to be grown from the ground up paying the dues of that which they manage. I understand that I am totally old school and have yet to embrace the changes in management styles.
This person was elevated into a position that I, as my work locations union representative would have to deal with on a daily basis. I am very unhappy to the point of considering resigning my position (which I’ve held for 38 years) just so I do not have to interact with him. I am patently unhappy.
I decided after having heard the “news” to look at some Bible devotionals to help divert the ugly frame of mind I was in with God’s wonderful word. And about the third or fourth verse I stumble on Romans 15:7. Yep that’s the one, accept each other as Christ has accepted you, so you can bring praise to God.
Now there presents a moral dilemma, I don’t want to like this guy. But then I thought about ALL the times in my life that I gave Christ the chance NOT to love me. And I can tell you, shocking some of you, that there have been many chances. And TRUE to Christ’s promise He has never stopped loving me.
That is humbling and emotionally overwhelming to all the disappointment I have caused others in life, that the only salvation is the Christ who knows me best still, forgives, forgets and calls me son.
This man has never treated me wrongly or unjustly, never given me cause not to like him and still, I do. Lord, give me the wisdom to understand Your word and the courage to act on it. Amen.
I love God’s irony to have that verse so readily available, not exactly what I wanted but definitely what I needed, today and everyday. Bringing me closer to His word.