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3D Gallery
This picture was drawn by fellow tribe member Soukous70 on If you click on the picture it will link you to that site. Thanks again Soukous. ~O^O~

I hope you enjoy these anaglyphic pictures. This has been my latest hobbie. I have taken these pictures with my Sony Cybershot digital camera. In order to view these pictures properly you must have 3D red/cyan glasses. Red/blue also work. Some of these pictures have been taken freehand and some with a slidebar mount.

Throneroom at Coral Castle
Florida Shaped Table at Coral Castle
Pillar Outside Coral Castle
My Mom at Coral Castle
A Squirrel That Thinks He is a Bat
A Bird in a Park in Tavares
A Playground at Wooten Park
Wooten Park Playground
My Favorite Spot in Hidden Water Preserve
Billiards Anyone?
Little Shop of Horrors Audrey Two
Little Shop of Horrors Cast
Glitter and Bernie from Little Shop
A few of my Didgeridoos

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