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The Dream Weaver's Web

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The World of Dreams (Lucid dreaming, Dreamcatchers, Post your dreams, etc.)
Talk to the Dream Machine (An aritifical intelegence machine)New 10/17/02
Dream Weavings (The Dream Weaver's Poetry Pages) updated 10/31/99
Anti nuclear war poem
Links and Contacts
List of Webrings
See My Slideshow of Nunsense (The play my fiance was in. Added 04/11/01)
The Dream Cam ~O^O~ (my personal webcam)
Dream Weaver and Drama Mamma (A page dedicated to my fiancè Updated 04/11/01)
Wedding Pictures of Dreamweaver and Kathy wedding date 12/29/01
Interactive Panorams I have taken. Will continue to be updated.
Anaglyphic 3D pictures. Red/Blue Glasses Required

Best if viewed with Internet Explorer......

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Right now the Dream Weaver is currently:

Anyone who has known me for about the last 10 years or so, knows that I have an obsession with this wonderful instrument from Australia called the didgeridoo. This is a slideshow of me playing this instrument. Click on any image to see it larger.

Message Panel

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