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The World of Dreams

The Legend of the Dream Weaver

Once there was in a day long gone,
A man who spun a new day's dawn.
A hard day's work put no one at ease
And nothing to fulfill there great fantasies
So the Dream Weaver spun on a fabric of light,
A World full of dreams to live out the night.
Anything is posible in this mystical land.
From flying through demensions to walking on the sand.
And now it is so, before the daylight,
You must walk through this place that rules all the night.
It's there you may see him, because there he still lives.
So give him a thankyou for the fantasy he gives.

Wave upon wave of demented avengers March cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream
-Roger Waters

Share Your Dreams

Join in the great dream experiment! This an interective feature on my web site. I would like to invite you to share any dream that you have had. You may enter as many entries as you would like to. It could be very interesting to see what others dream about. It is my vision, with this "Dream Book", that with a collage of dreams we may better understand thier nature. Please enter your dreams of any topic. You may enter anonymously (if you wish) just please keep it clean (nothing obscene). This is a site for all ages.

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The Origin of the Dream Catcher

The Ojibwa Indians believed that their dreams came from the sky. They used the dream catcher for protection. The bad dreams would get caught in the web and perish at dawn in the morning sun. The good dreams however, would pass through the center of the web and fall onto the sleeping dreamer. ~O^O~

Lucid Dreaming

There is a world of virtual reality that we all have access to. It is a method of dreaming that anyone can learn. It is called lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming basically is realizing that you are dreaming while you are in your dream. Once you have accomplished that, you have absoulte control of this world. This is the closest thing to vitual realty we have at this time. Stephen LaBerge a the leading expert on lucid dreaming. He has done much reasearch on the subject. I recomend if you are interested in lucid dreaming that you read any of his books. His tape "Controlling Your Dreams" is a great beginner for people who would like to learn methods without spending a fortune in machines and stuff to learn the techniques. I have used the tape and learned with success. This is something anyone can learn.

Once you have aquired the skills for lucid dreaming you can do a number of things with it.

1. You can alter the experience. You can manipulate what others do and how they react to you if you wish. Remember that you are the creator of every person and every event in the dream.

2. You can change the content of your dream. Once you become lucid, you can dream about anything you want to. You may dream about any person or event you can think of. You can even continue a dream you have had in the past. I have personally done this myself. When in your dream just concentrate on the subject you want to dream about.

3. You can change your actions. This is my favorite way to lucid dream. Sometimes it is nice to just change your actions in the dream you are already in. Once lucid you may want to try just to control your own actions rather than the whole show. This sometimes makes for and interesting adventure. To be an active participant is a good way to make the dream you are in a wonderful experience. It is also a good way to change a nightmare into a good dream.

Keeping a Dream Journal (tips)

Before you can do any serious lucid dreaming, or any other personal experiments having to do with dreams, you must have good dream recall. It just makes sense. Even if you have a lucid dream, you will not know it, if you can't remember them. I think most experts agree that keeping a dream journal is the best way to increase dream recollection.

In order to be effective with a dream journal, you must follow a rule or two. Try to remember anything you can right when you wake up and write it down. Even if it is just a feeling, that is a start. With practice you will improve on this. The most important rule is to write it down as soon as you wake up, even if you wake up in the middle of the night. Don't just tell yourself that you will remember the dream you just had when morning comes and then you will write it down. Nine times out of ten, you will not remember it in the morning. Write it down imeadiatly.

Okay, I realize that this may be a difficult task, so I have figured out a way to make it easier. I have a delima when I get up to write in a journal. After a paragraph or two I am fully awake. If this is in the middle of the night that is not a good thing. It takes me quite a while to go back to sleep. To remedy this I found that it is okay to keep a notepad and pencil by my bed. If I awake in the middle of the night, and remember having a dream, I can jot down a few words that will allow me to remember the important aspects of the dream in the morning. This can easily be done in a half wake half asleep state. Then, in the morning, I am still able to remember most if not all aspects of the dream I had because of the few key words I jotted down. If you keep a journal, try this method. It makes it alot easier.

Dream Fact

Did you know that your rapid eye movement durring your dreams is actually your eyes following what is going on in the dream?----This has been reasearched by Stephen LaBerge

For more information on lucid dreaming
Dream Room (Join in my chatroom devoted to dreams)
To order the tape
More lucid dreaming info
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