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Dedicated to My Love


I know that I have neglected to update this website for a long time. The fact is I have been spending my energies into other aspects of my life. Since my heart surgery back in April, so many things have changed for me. I have a new job and most importantly I have fallen in love with one of my closest friends in the world, Kathy. On the computer she is known as Drama Mamma for her love of theater.

Kathy and I have known each other for a long time. We have known each other since the fall of 87 to be exact. We met each other in Marine Biology class in High School. We have been very close friends ever since. The picture above is her senior picture from high school.

After high school we both attended college together. This is a picture of her from her Lake Sumter days.

Since our college days our friendship has grown stronger. We have been together through happy times and the hardest of times. Recently, we have found in each other something on a deeper level. We have decided to share our lives together. I have found in my friend, the love I have always wanted. Kathy means the world to me and I would hate to think of my life without her.

From a child to a woman I have watched you grow
But there is more to you than I'll ever know

For you've come into your own and I've come into mine
For what we have found fairs so fine

I have found in you, deep inside your soul
A void to fill, an empty hole

For my empty spaces, you have filled with joy and laughter
Now I want to share it with you for here and forever after

So here we are, an us are we
So lets sing our song in harmony
Dream Weaver ~O^O~

UPDATE 1/27/01
As of 1/26/01 Kathy and I are now engaged. It was opening night of Cabaret. Kathy plays a Kit Kat girl in the performance. After the production was over, I gave her a dozen roses. Then, onstage, when we were alone, I popped the question. She said yes. I feel like I am the happiest man alive. I love her so dearly.

Here is a picture of Kathy and friends as Kit Kat girls in Cabaret. If you can't tell she is front right. Also in picture: Donna, Jennifer P., Sylvia, and Jennifer F.

In the month of March and April Kathy played Sister Mary Leo in the play Nunsense. If you have "Real Player"
please enjoy the slide presentation I have put together of pictures of the play.
<"Click here to see The Slide show">

Here are some pictures that were taken by my Aunt. Possibly one of these may be our announcement pictures for the news paper.

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See My Slideshow of Nunsense (A play that Kathy performed in)