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cowboy boots

Music is Happy Trails
by Roy Rogers and Dale Evans.

horse shoe bar

Hi, folks! I'm Jessica, welcome to my website. Our home isn't a real ranch - that's more wishful thinking on my part than anything. We're located just outside a small town in eastern Pennsylvania, surrounded by the beautiful foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, and just south of The Poconos.

The J Bar underwent many changes since its beginning. The poultry hobby had to be curtailed due to location and family changes.

We currently enjoy the company of our dog, 3 cats, a parakeet, a ringneck dove, and a red-earred slider turtle as dear members of our family. Plus there are 3 horses. They're dear members of the family, too, but they are outside, of course. You can meet some of the critters on the links below.

Sad to say, but I no longer have my black Mini mare. Unfortunately, I had to let her go due to one of the family changes at the time. Even though it was several years ago, I still miss her. I now, happily, have another Mini. He's Rodeo, a silver dapple gelding who is a companion to my elderly Arabian mare, Bunny. I also have a Rocky Mountain mare named Lacy. She's taken over as the boss of the other two!

It's that time of year again. Time for Spring to arrive. It's actually here already, of course, but you wouldn't know it due to the weather. I think Mother Nature still believes that it's March! I say it's high time for some nice, warm weather!

Enjoy your visit here and feel free to drop me an email.

eagle etching Meeooow! Neeeiiiggh! Cock-a-doodle-dooo! Buuuuk, buk, buk, buk! Jingle, jangle!
Artwork Pets Horses Chickens For Sale Links

double horse head bar

Our Weather

Click for Bangor, Pennsylvania Forecast

Click for Bangor, Pennsylvania Forecast

Get your own weather banners at Weather Underground.

Thanks to Jan for sharing this:
From a sign in a country churchyard in east Texas:
"God answers kneemail."

In memory, Sept 11, 2001

galloping pony

Our Family
Jessica ~ Harrison ~ Christopher
Bangor PA 18013

email Jessica:

Thanks for droppin' in! S'Long!

wagon wheel

website URL:
Created and maintained by JHG Web Design,
all rights reserved, since Feb. 1999.
Updated 4/4/13