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Meet Our Critters

Updated 1/2/11

Music is At The Hop
by Danny & The Juniors.

This page is dedicated to our pets. Here you'll meet our small managerie ...

Below is my former dog, Jack. He was an AKC reg. Pointer, born 3/31/90 at Marjetta Kennels in Englishtown NJ, USA. He’s black & white, almost 29” tall, pretty big for a Pointer. His breeder, Marjorie Martorella, got me started showing Jack and she actually finished him for me. It was a lot of fun. Jack was retired from showing and became a family pet and companion. He loved running about the yard, finding different things to "point." And he was a great watch dog. Sadly, after 12½ yrs, Jack's body gave out on him and he was euthanized on 10/18/02. It was a beautiful fall day and he was buried in our friend's garden out in the country. You'll be missed, Jack.

Jack, age 2, shown winning one of his classes.
Ch. Marjetta Black Jack at age 2, Handler: M. Martorella

Jack, sleeping on his bed.

Here's Jack taking a snooze on his doggie bed.

Meet our new puppy! Well, he's full grown, now. He's a beautiful AKC reg. Siberian Husky. You can see him here:
Baree's Snowy Knight

Now for our cats. We currently have 3: Stripey, Shadow (brother to Stripey), and Bijou (Stripey's daughter). Lizzie has passed on. She was adopted from a shelter on 7/20/92 as a wee kitten. She was a longhaired, tortoiseshell & white kitty who was very friendly. She loved exploring outdoors, but a close call kept her inside from then on, until she moved to the country to live out her remaining years (she passed when she was about 14) at my kids' father's place. She loved finding the tiniest boxes and would just cram herself in there! So cute! She also loved sitting on laps and chewing on fingers! Such pleasant memories. :)

Lizzie cat on the couch
Lizzie snoozing on the sofa. This pic is not upside down - Lizzie is!

KitKat and Boomer, parents of 2 of my cats Shadow, Stripey, KeeKee, dob 2/7/01

KitKat & Boomer ... Basket full of their kittens,
Shadow, Stripey, and KeeKee (not shown, Boombette).

Out of the four kittens that KitKat and Boomer had, we kept two, a male named Shadow and a female named Stripey. Stripey, unfortunately, wasn't spayed early enough and on Dec. 1, 2002 gave birth to a single kitten sired by Boomer. Bijou is a little cutie, very similar in looks to her mom & dad. She's a fuzzy longhair, marked just like her daddy. All the kitties are now altered.

I, for one, am glad that none of our cats is as big as this monster ...

giant cat
Feline giganticus


We also had some male guinea pigs and a male rabbit. I created a separate piggy and rabbit website, see below.

Our Piggies and Bunny


Guinea pigs graphic: ©Leeash Cavies

At one time, we had also kept a pair of Firebelly Toads, a female named Rainbow Spice and a male named Cajun. They sadly passed on during our move in June 2004. We think there was probably too much jostling around for them. Firebellies are green, some being darker than others, but they have black markings all over their bodies in a swirled pattern. Their bellies are a bright orange-red, hence their name. The toes are also that brilliant color. My toads lived in an aquaterrarium - half aquarium and half terrarium. They dined on crickets every other day or two. The sound of the water in the tank was very soothing and the greenery provided a restful backdrop. Nearly every evening the male serenaded us with chirping sounds (simliar to spring peepers), and he sometimes sang during the day, too. Check out more info on The Toad Pond page.

Past pets include Firebelly Toad pairs Spice and Cajun, and Swirl and Marble; a Four-Spot Gecko named Henry, that passed on in the fall of '98; and another cat, a domestic, black & white, shorthair named Kee-Kee, that also passed on (in Apr. ‘97) of old age; she was 14 yrs old. We also had 3 goats (Nigerian Dwarf crosses) as pets, for about a year, and MoJo, especially, is still missed because he was sickly and died when he was only 2 months old.

Here are some handy, dandy hints:

Does your dog keep knocking over his water dish when outside? Then try this ... get a large angel-food cake pan, drive a stake into the ground, slide the center of the cake pan over the stake. Voilá! No more tipped water bowls!

If your cat likes to play in your houseplants, then try a few mothballs buried in the soil!

Does your dog have an aversion to water when it's bathtime? Try rubbing some cornmeal into his coat and then brush it out. If he still has an odor, try baking soda, and then brush that out.

Some links to check out...

Animal Planet

Adopt a pet at Pet

In Loving Memory of my old cat Kee-Kee, our gecko Henry,
the guinea pigs Millie, Willie, and Cocoa,
the bunny Meezy,
the toads,
and, most recently,Lizzie.

Jessica Sanders
Bangor, PA 18042


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