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“Letting the terrapins go free was so happy and sad for me because it is giving an animal life but I will miss them.” Brittany’s comment speaks for all of us.

Kristen remembered nicknaming one hatchling “Little Dude.” Jack reflected, “It was really cool to have a celebration day because it was fun and a good cause.”

Leah observed, “We raised money for them and helped promote the awareness.”

Amy liked “adding pictures to the webpages because it brought out our artistic side.”

Overall, we, the VENTURE CARES Project students, think using CmPS strategies, like jot boards, helped extend our search for solutions. We feel by taking team action we have been able to pay it forward to each grade in our school and to make a difference in our community.

We intend to add more reflections to this page after we attend the NJ State CmPS Awards Dinner and the FPS International Competition in Lexington, Kentucky.

go back turtle by Kathryn H. go forward terrapin by Kathryn H.

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