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Meeting the Marine Biologists


We visited the Marine Biology researchers in the Marine Sciences Lab at Richard Stockton College.  Dr. Rosalind Herlands described the issues about releasing hatchlings back in the wild. She told us about opposing points of view in research.  John Rokita manages the lab. He allowed us to feed the hatchlings and headstarters. We plan to join the marine biologists to release the terrapins in June. But first the hatchlings must grow large enough so that seagulls can not eat them. 

View our video of the terrapins and our video of Dr. Herlands in the lab.




John showed us the other animals in the lab.The baby mice were so cute.We saw the incubators used to hatch the eggs that were rescued from road kill. The lab interns showed us adult turtles with shells repaired with fiberglass.  We called them "surfer turtles."

Subject: stockton animal labs
This is Jennifer from the animal lab at Stockton. It was a great pleasure to met you and your students. I had a lot of fun answering questions and seeing the variety of face expressions on your students faces. I hope you guys enjoyed the tour at Stockton as much as we did. If you have any questions, I would be glad to answer them. Thanks again and good luck with your terrapins.
Sincerely, Jennifer   

go back turtle by Kathryn H. go forward terrapin by Kathryn H.

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