Site Map
Terrapin Troubles Webquest Home Page
What are Diamondback Terrapins?
Why are Diamondback Terrapins endangered?
Who is helping Diamondback Terrapins?
How is our school helping Diamondback Terrapins?
Can you find the hatchlings?
Are you ready to offer solutions? (Quiz)
Reflections (Volunteers)
Global Partners Care (International Email)
Raising the hatchlings
Signs, Posters and Flyers
Teaching the Primary Grade students
Visiting the Marine Biologists (Videos)
Assessment Rubric for Student Collaboration
Credits and Thank You Notes
Economic Growth and Development (Photos of Somers Point)
Resources - Images, Internet and People
Teachers - Evaluation,Goals & Objectives, Methods and Summary
Commercial Crab Traps
Drag Island - Dredge Spoils Island
Hatchlings and Headstarters
Terrapin, Tortoise and Turtle
Wetlands Institute
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