Nikki's little corner of the web

Hi there! Welcome to my web site! My name's Nicole, but usually people just call me Nikki. I'm currently 31 yrs. old, & reside in Bloomfield, New Jersey, USA. I graduated from Queen of Peace high school in North Arlington, NJ in '98. I'm employed at Burger King as a cashier, & I really like it. It pays alright money, but the people are friendly & nice, & I get along w/each & every one of them.

I got married to Kenny on July 15, 2009. I'm crazy in love with him, and I couldn't be happier.

Well, that's all I have to say for now. Explore the rest of my site using the links at the bottom.

Explore my site

Some more info about me
A list of my current dvd's
My blue eyed Kennybunny
My game ranks from
Some of my artwork
The lyric page
My best friend & sister Jennie
My poem page
My quote page
Links to some stuff I like
The last page on my site

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