Anime and SF and Fantasy Essays
by Lia

Hi!  Welcome to my anime and science fiction and fantasy essays.  I've managed to accumulate quite a few of these over time just because I enjoy writing and am insane (probably more the later than the former).  I decided that I should post them because there are getting to be a lot of them and I love reading essays about my favorite shows and books.  Hopefully you do too.  ; )  If you want to post an essay on this page, please e-mail me.  Or e-mail me if you just want to talk about one of these shows, have questions, want to debate something, or whatever.

Anime Essays

Berserk Essays

Eclipse:  Griffith's Motives During that Last Scene

Personality, Friendship, and Berserk

The Rape of Charlotte, 1:  Griffith's View

The Rape of Charlotte, 2:  Charlotte's View

Cowboy Bebop Review

Science Fiction and Fantasy Essays

Belgariad Review

Women and Fantasy

War of Souls (Dragonlance) Review

How to Generate a Fantasy Novel (not an essay)

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