Lia's Cosplay Page

I absolutely love making costumes and dressing up in them.  ; )  Not sure why.  But since I've done so, I figured that I should probably put up a page showing off some of my collection of costumes. This, needless to say, does not have all of them as I don't have scanned pictures of them all, but I'll try to put more up as I take more and make more.  If you want to, e-mail me.

Anime Costumes

Me as Eris, from Slayers.  I look better in high heeled boots, but technically the costume has very low heeled boots. How boring.  ; )  The best part of this costume is running around with red gumdrops and sticking them on people's heads.

Me as Yui, from Fushigi Yugi. Note certificate I'm holding.  I won "Artistic Superiority, Veteran Individual" at Fanime in 2002.  OK, it's not a high honor like a Nobel Prize, but whatever.  Unfortunately, the necklace is turned around.  I danced in this costume, which was hard as the back's a little constraining.

Here I am as Celes from Final Fantasy VI.  The picture is a little blurry, but it's the best one I have scanned.  I won an award at Fanime for this one as well (in 2001), but I won't tell you which.  ; )  I sung in this outfit, which was nice as I finally got to show off how much (or little) I learned from being part of a choir.

That's all for now! I'm hoping to get up pictures of my latest costume (Armitage), and earlier costumes such as Miya-sama from Brother, Dear Brother and Relena from Gundam Wing.  I also have a lot of original costumes, including light banded mail, a princess dress (very pink), and a beautiful pink foamy robe.  Incidentally, I made parts of the Eris costume and all of the Yui costume. Yay!

If you like this, check out my anime essays page which is far more interesting!