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The Last of the Best

As Chevrolet stops the production of their large sedans, the law enforcement world is forced to part with the vehicle that changed the face of law enforcement, here's The Squad Room's tribute to the Chevy Caprice.

Here's a '94 from California Highway Patrol showing it's top speeds of 120+.


To showcase such a piece of craftsmanship, I'll start with some local agencies.

  Cherry Hill, my hometown, uses a standard white Caprice with a Federal Signal Smart Vector and Signal Master. This creates a stunning visual effect when the vehicle is in motion because the two white pods act as intersection sweeps when the transmission is not in park. Combined with wig-wag alternating headlamps they can really be seen. Smart Vectors allow for user controlled variables in the actions of the lights in the pods. The Vector was designed with side visibility in mind thus it's V shaped design.

   New Jersey State Police use a standard white Caprice with various types of lighting systems. Usually all have an old Federal Signal type (not shown here). This example features an Federal Signal Aerodynamic mid-mount. Most all NJSP cars have wig-wag alternating headlamps. For a detailed page on all NJSP's cars click here

Here are some other departments who have incredible taste in patrol vehicles:




 The NYPD sports a great color scheme of powder blue and white along with a vector in their precint cars.

 Their 1993 fleet includes these two vehicles which are both precinct patrol vehicles (or RMP, radio mobile patrols as they refer to them)



 The ever competitive FDNY not to be outdone by their rivals in blue, (they never seem to get along strangely enough) also have their version of the two-tone 1993 Caprice but in red instead.

 You can tell the FDNY never gets into any persuits because the hubcaps of these 2 1993 models are still intact. Future years of the Caprice brought a locking hubcap, or none at all, just a center piece which replaced the cap.



 North Carolina State Police stick to a traditional black and white color scheme with this '93.

 Edmund, MA police use this awesome slightly metallic gray finish on their '94 model.



 Il. State Police use a 2 tone blue with an "all light" lightbar. Models such as these often use a siren speaker in the grill or as shown here, on the push bumpers.

 This Kingston, PA '94 sports the traditional color scheme with a twist.



 New York State Police also have the gray paint which looks great with a splash of yellow.

 The '93 Standard Package in burgundy.



 The basic model '93 police package.

 The last survivor. The '94 Impala Super Sport, which uses a similar bodystyle as the Caprice did.

Links to other Caprice Sites:

Click Here-This site has a pretty good listing of 91-96 caprice vehicles.
Click Here - This site is totally dedicated to pictures (organized by state / agency) of police vehicles

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