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2003 2004
1.Super League
Clever Fixtures
45 Year Total
45 Top Scorers
2.League - A
2.League - B
Erdinç Sivritepe
Site Meter

NB 2003-2004 Clever Fixtures

Fixtures in Excel Files

Turkish League Fixtures can be downloaded as Excel files.
I called them "Clever Fixtures", because while entering the results to the fixtures, the result will be updated in the score table and the standings of the league will be updated. It will also calculate the 46 years' overall standing for the Turkish 1.League.
The standings will use the tie-breaking rule of the league. That is the comparison of the head-to-head matches before checking the overall goal differences. (Thanks to Baran Güven for adding this algorithm last year.)
The fixtures will have some cosmetical changes especially in the Scores page as Mustafa Yanık applied at his version.
All the groups in the leagues will have their own Excel files.

1. Super League - Zip File 94 KB, Excel File 309 KB

2.League - Category A - Zip File 72 KB, Excel File 239 KB

2.League - Category B - Zip File 196 KB, Excel Files 220, 218, 217 KB

3.League - Zip File 258 KB, Excel Files 213, 213, 215, 213 KB

Thanks to Mustafa Yanık, who helped a lot on 2A, 2B, and 3L fixtures.

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