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2003-2004 UEFA Cups

2003-2004 UEFA Cups in Excel - Final Release

After the UCL draws this weekend, the file can be downloaded for its final release. The file will cover both UCL and UEFA Cup to the end, including the Finals.

There are 6 more additions in this release. In one sheet the number of trophies won by the clubs are displayed for all 5 cups. Using the buttons, you can get a sorted list for all each cup. Then 5 other sheets display the winners of each cup year-by-year.

The 2003-2004 pages:
1 - USC - UEFA Super Cup - This sheet is the first and the simplest of all. You will eneter the score of the game and the sheet will determine the winner as you eneter the result.
2 - UCL - UEFA Champions League - The file will display the seeding of the round before each round and the game will follow. As you enter the results of the games, the club progressing the round will be displayed at the end of the row. Decide the nex round fixture if the winner of the tie is already drawn to the next round fixture, and calculate the yearly and 5-year club and country coefficients including the game result.
3 - UEFA - UEFA Cup - Same as UCL sheet.
4 - UIC - UEFA Intertoto Cup - This cup is not included in the coefficiency calculations, however, the winner and the next round updates will be done.
5 - ALL - This sheet displays all the clubs of all countries competed in the cups in the last five seasons. The names with light blue background show the entries in UCL, entries with yellow background show the entries to the UEFA Cup, and the entries with light green background show UIC entries. The clubs playing in more than one cups are designated as a note at the bottom of each country. The points gained by each club is also given in detail as Q - Qualifying Rounds, R - Regular Rounds, B - Bonus points. The country coefficients are also displayed year bye year.
6 - COUNTRY - Five-year UEFA Country coefficiencies - After each game result entered to UCL and UEFA Sheets, the coeeficiencies of the countries involved are recalculated again. If you click the button in the sheet you sort the countries in descending order.
7 - CLUB - Five-year UEFA Clubs Coefficiencies - After each game result entered to UCL and UEFA Sheets, the coeeficiencies of the clubs involved are recalculated again. If you click the button in the sheet you sort the countries in descending order. (Note: The clubs playing in the competitions are displayed in bold.

The Excel file can be downloaded by clicking to the link below: (zip file 257 KB, after unzipping 824 KB)

2003-2004 UEFA Cups in Excel

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