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The Results of the 2011-17th Annual Hidden Valley Closed Golf Classic

Hidden Acres Golf Course - Saturday, April 23th 2011

The 2011 Hidden Valley Closed Champions:  TeamTom Howes/Werlick

Note: The 2011 Hidden Valley Closed contributed another $395 to the Hidden Valley Alpine Racing Association in the name of the Hidden Valley Closed Golf Classic and Matt McDermott.   This represents the prize money donated by the top three finishing teams in the 2011 17th Annual Hidden Valley Closed Golf Classic.


The Winning 2011 Team Tom Howes/Werlick Score Card

Ladies Longest Drive:  Mickie Lees

Men's Longest Drive:  Jack Powers (finally)

Closest to the Pin: Ron Kibitlewski

Most Honest Golfers: Team Deb & Mickie (again - but they had fun)


Team Standing in the 2011 17th Annual HV Closed Golf Classic


Place of Finish Score In Reference to Par
   Team Whiting 0* 60 -10
   Team Tom Howes - Werlick 1st 65 -5
   Team Powers 0* 66 -4
   Team Hawkins - VanHerwarde 2nd 68 -2
   Team Paulovich 3rd 70 0
   Team Rich Howes 4th 73 +3
   Team Deb - Mickie 5th 80 +10
   Team Brian Howes 6th Now Score Card -

* Played with only 3 players - by rule not eligible to win the HV Closed Championship.


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