Here is what Edgar Cayce had to say about the Secong Coming of Christ:
These are questions asked by people who resquested the readings
(Q)What is meant by "the day of the Lord is near at hand"?
(A) That as has been promised through the prophets and the sages of old,
the time - and half time - has been and is being fulfilled in this day and
generation, and that soon there will again appear in the earth that one
through whom many will be called to meet those that are preparing the way
for His day in the earth. The Lord, then, will come, "even as ye have seen
him go".
(Q) How soon?
(A) When those that are His have made the way clear, PASSABLE, for Him to
(Q) For some time I have been thinking continually about the coming
of the Kingdom on earth and His coming. Has it any bearing upon the
lesson? Please give me more light upon the Kingdom and His coming.
(A) How long has been the cry of those that have manifested in the earth
the glory of the Father through the Son, "Hasten, O Lord, the day of thy
kingdom in the earth!" How have the promises read that the Son has given?
"I go to prepare a place that where I am there ye may be also. I will come
again and receive you unto myself." Then, as the individual heart attunes its
mind and its body-activity into that consciousness of the desire for the
hastening of that day. Yet the merciful kindness of the Father has, in the
eyes of many, delayed the coming, and many have cried even as the parable
He gave, "We know not what has become of this man. Show us other gods
that may lead us in this day." Yet the cry in the heart and the soul of those
that seek His way is to hasten that day. Yet, as He has given, in patience, in
listening, in being still, may ye know that the Lord doeth all things well. Be
not weary that He apparently prolongs His time, for - as the Master has
given, "As to the day, no man knoweth, not even the son, but the Father and
they to whom the Father may reveal the Son prepareth the way that all men
may know the love of the Father." And as ye would be the channel to hasten
that glorious day of the coming of the Lord, then do with a might that thy
hands find to do to make for the greater manifestations of the love of the
Father in the earth. For, into thy keeping, and to His children and to His
sons, has He committed the keeping of the saving of the world, of the souls
of men; for, as He has given, "Who is my mother? Who is my brother? Who is
my sister?" They that do the will of my Father who is in heaven, the same is
my mother, my brother, my sister." So, as He gave, "I leave thee, but I will
come again and receive as many as ye have quickened through the
manifesting in thy life the will of the Father in the earth." Hence know that,
as thine mind, thine activities, long more and more for the glorifying of the
Son in the earth, for the coming of the day of the Lord, He draws very nigh
unto thee.
(Q) Please explain what is meant by "He will walk and talk with men of
every clime". Does this mean he will appear to many at once or appear to
various peoples during a long period?
(A) As given, for a thousand years He will walk and talk with men of every
clime. Then in groups, in masses, and then they shall reign of the first
resurrection for a thousand years; for this will be when the changes
materially come.
In the manner as He sat at the peace conference in Geneva, in the heart and
soul of a man not reckoned by many as an even unusually Godly man; yet
raised for a purpose, and he chose rather to be a channel of His thought for
the world. So, as there has been, so will it be until the time as set. As was
given of Him, not given to man to know the time or the period of the end,
nor to man - save by their constituting themselves a channel through which
He may speak. To be sure, man and woman alike; for, as given from the
beginning, they are one. Not as man counts oneness from the material
viewpoint. Rather from that as He gave, "Where are those thy persecutors?"
"No man, Lord." "Neither do I condemn thee. Sin no more." In the searching
out of those who, where and when He speaks, or has spoken among or
with, or through men, "By their fruits ye shall know them." They that bring
more righteousness are the children of faith, hope, charity. These three; and
they do so in MATERIAL world, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. Be thou,
then, a channel that may oft walk with Him that gave not of else than, "Let
not your hearts be troubled; neither let it be afraid. Let not thine right hand
know what thy left hand doeth." Rather giving self to seeking, day by day, to
KNOW the will of the Father as was manifest in Him, and may be manifest
in Thee, for He will not leave thee desolate, but will come to thee - but not
unless invited; for, as in the periods, as we find, when He walked with men
as the Master among men, or when as Joseph in the kingdoms that were
raised as the saving of his peoples that SOLD him into bondage, or as the
priest of Salem in the days when the call came that a peculiar peoples
would proclaim his name, He has walked and talked with men. Or, as in
those days as Asapha [?] [Sons of Asaph? See Ps. 81:5 indicating that
Joseph and Asaph were one and the same?], or Affa [?] in those periods
when those of that same Egyptian land were giving those counsels to the
many nations, when there would be those saving of the physical from that
of their own making in the physical; or in the garden when those
temptations came, or as the first begotten of the Father that came as
Amilius in the Atlantean land and allowed himself to be led in ways of
selfishness. Hence, as we see, all the various stages of developments that
have come to man through the ages have been those periods when He
walked and talked with man.
In this, then, when - as we find - that those periods began in a like period
from that of Joseph to Joseph, or Jesus, then again we see the cycle when
perfected in body, overcoming the world in the body of man, will He appear
in those VARIED experiences; for He tarries not, and the time draws near.
(Q) We have been told that the Second Coming of the Master in the flesh
would not take place until 1985. Is this approximately correct? Can't we
expect to see Him sooner?
(A) How doth He interpret, as to the day or the hour? No man knoweth save
the Father.
Live ye then, each soul, as though ye expected him today. Then ye shall see
Him as He is, when ye live such a life.
(Q) He said He would come again. What about His second coming?
(A) The time no one knows. Even as He gave, not even the Son Himself.
ONLY the Father. Not until His enemies - and the earth - are wholly in
subjection to His will, His powers.
(Q) Are we entering the period of preparation for His coming?
(A) Entering the test period, rather.
(Q) Is Jesus the Christ on any particular sphere or is He manifesting on the
earth plane in another body?
(A) As just given, all power in heaven, in earth, is given to Him who
overcame. Hence He is of Himself in space, in the force that impels through
faith, through belief, in the individual entity. As a Spirit Entity. Hence not in
a body in the earth, but may come at will to him who WILLS to be one with,
and acts in love to make same possible.
For, He shall come as ye have seen Him go, in the BODY He occupied in
Galilee. The body that He formed, that was crucified on the cross, that rose
from the tomb, that walked by the sea, that appeared to Simon, that
appeared to Philip, that appeared to "I, even John."