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A note from Tall14u
I will strive to gather and display the more unusual
and interesting sites found on the web. If you have
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the address and I will include them if I agree. For right
now...sit back, buckle up, hang on and enjoy the ride!
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The Litter Box
 - Online Cat Bookstore!

Sorry...but it seem's like flashmountain has closed down!
Is it possible that they were forced to into this?

  Here's something unusual...flashing the cameras that theme parks use to sell pictures on their major rides! Apparently the thing  for women to do on Disneyland's Splash Mountain log ride. Why not! The Disney people aren't happy about it...too bad!

This site has drawn plenty of attention. Pictures of these riders are featured and even voted on for the best flasher. Check out the sample picture on the bottom of this page. There are many links to places mentioning this site, an audio clip from the Howard Stern Show, an article from the L.A. Times, CNN Interactive and was also voted as Playboy Magazines 25 Sexiest Web Sites. Very impressive!!!

Hopefully this will catch on in theme parks across the country. They all have the cameras set up to sell souvenirs to the riders. I am looking forward to visiting the local Six Flags Park this summer...who knows what sights I may see. This could actually help the parks sell season passes!


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