Final Fantasy III Walkthrough
by Mike D
*THIS WALKTHROUGH WAS NOT CREATED BY ME, BUT BY THE GUY OVER AT http://ff3.freeservers.com/walk.html
1. The Caves of Narshe
Party: Vicks, Wedge, ??????
After the first scene, you go to Narshe and view the opening credits on the way. (If you don’t want to view the credits, push A.) When you get to Narshe, you have no choice but to go the way the path takes you, fighting fairly easy battles along the way. The path is straightforward and as long as you use heal force and ??????'s cure spell, you should be fine. When you get to the Whelk, pay close attention to what Vicks and Wedge say and DO NOT HIT THE SHELL!! This causes Whelk to use that energy to fire a MegaVolt at you. Seeing as how none of your people have more than 120 for hp, this is not a good thing. When the creature is in its shell, use heal force, no matter whether they need it or not. Eventually, Whelk will die. When it does, walk up to the frozen esper and you will go into a battle scene where you can’t do anything. Just watch. Vicks and Wedge will disappear and the screen will fade to black. When you wake up, you will be in Arvis’s house.
2. Arvis’s house
Party: ??????/Terra
When you wake up, talk to Arvis (note: here Arvis is called Old Man, until later in the game.) and he will tell you about the slave crown that was on your head. Then ?????? will regain some of her memory and you can name her. (Note: you can name the 14 characters anything you want, but I will use their original names for them.) After Terra remembers her name, you will hear pounding. The Imperial troops have found Terra! Arvis knows what to do, though. He shows you the back way, but before you go, search his clock for an elixir. Then exit to the caves.
3. The Caves of Narshe (again)
Party: Terra
Again, the path is straightforward. The chests that you find will contain Fenix Down and a Sleeping Bag, but if you want to wait until the World of Ruin to get them, they will change into a Pod Bracelet and an Elixir. (Terra should use the spell on monsters. Push the L and R buttons on the top of the controller to attack all monsters with the spell.) After a little ways, Terra is spotted by Narshe guards and falls down a hole in the floor. She is knocked out and you see a little scene with Kefka putting the slave crown on her and her being used to fry soldiers. Then the screen fades to black and changes to a familiar scene: Arvis’s house. There, Locke is introduced. Arvis convinces him to go look after Terra. He arrives just as your first multi-party battle is about to take place. A bunch of soldiers enter, and, just when things look hopeless, so do the moogles.
4. Multi-party battle to save Terra
Party: three groups:
G1: Locke, Kupek, Kupop, and Kumama
G2: Mog, Kuku, Kutan, and Kupan
G3: Kushu, Kurin, Kuru, and Kamog
Following an explanation of how to do the multiparty battle, you will have to position the three groups. G1 should take the middle, G2 the left, and G3 the right entrances. That way Terra is completely blocked off. After the Soldiers stop coming, push the Y button until you get to Mog’s group. empty him of everything (he can dance instead of fight) and take his group to go fight the Marshal This guy is pretty easy to beat. Just have Mog dance the Dusk Requiem and the other moogles can fight. It’s not much of a fight. After the battle, Locke will take Terra to an exit and tell her not to forget about the switch. He will freak out about the amnesia (you’ll see why later) and exit the cave. Don’t exit the town just yet…
5. Narshe
party: Locke, Terra
You can’t go into the city of Narshe just yet; you’ll get kicked out. But go into the Classroom. It’s the only building you can go into. There is a guy standing in front of the door. Talk to him and go inside. Talk to all the people and drink from that bucket of water from a recovery spring. Then, once you have saved, exit Narshe and go to Figaro Castle. (see map)
6. Figaro Castle
Party: Locke, Terra
When you first enter Figaro Castle, go straight up until you see the young king. Locke will talk to him and then he will introduce himself. Edgar thinks he’s the most handsome man in the world. Terra puts him in his place though. While looking around the castle as Edgar tells you to, (be sure to stop by the item shop and the tool shop, very important stuff) you should meet a Matron. She will tell you about Edgar’s younger brother who traded the throne for his own freedom. Here Sabin is introduced. After this, go back to the throne room. Edgar’s guard informs him that they have a visitor from the Empire. You will see a scene with Kefka and a couple of guards on their way to the palace. Then, as Edgar, go talk to Kefka’s guards, then to Kefka. When you’re done there, go up and talk to the guard there. Then you will see another scene and leave the castle. When the Magitek guards come up and attack you, if Terra uses magic, you will see a little scene. (Even if you don’t feel like seeing the scene, it’s probably a good idea to use the magic anyway, because if you don’t you probably won’t win.) After the battle you will see a scene about Terra’s magic (whether you used the magic or not, which doesn’t make sense…) and you will be told to go to South Figaro. (see map) Then you will have to use the chocobo to steer yourself to the Cave to South Figaro, or get off and walk there yourself. (however, on a chocobo, you won’t encounter any battles. Use A to move and right and left to steer.)
7. Cave to South Figaro
Party: Edgar, Locke, Terra
Once you get there, Edgar will dismiss the guard and you may enter the cave. Again, as in most caves, the path is straightforward and you shouldn’t get lost. The little lake not far from the entrance is a recovery spring. The chests contain 2 tinctures and a Fenix down before you get General Celes (another character, you get her later. I am just telling you about her so that you know what the chests contain.), a thunder rod, tincture, and x-potion after you get her, and in the World of Ruin they contain a hero ring, ether, and x-potion. You can get these chests before or after you get Celes, or you can wait until the World of Ruin. Soon you will be out of the cave. Then you can go to south Figaro. (see map)
8. South Figaro
Party: Edgar, Locke, Terra
Welcome to South Figaro. This is the first city you can go in where you actually don’t have to fight anything! Joy! Anyway, talk to the people, go places, go into all the shops, and talk to EVERYONE. If you talk to the ninja in the café, Shadow will be introduced, but he doesn’t join your party until later. There are also various items in barrels and boxes. Search the barrel to the left of the chocobo stable for a tonic, the barrel to the right of the stable for a green cherry, and the barrel to the right of the rich guy’s house for a Fenix down. items that change if you wait until the World of Ruin are as follows: the barrel above and behind the chocobo stable changes from a warp stone to a Fenix down, the box in the lower left of town changes from an eyedrop to an elixir, the barrel in the lower left of town changes from antidote to a tent, a different box in the lower left of town changes from a soft to a remedy, and the barrel between the armor and weapon shops changes from a tonic to an x-potion. Then you can go and pay 80 GP (if you have it) and ride the chocobo to Sabin’s Cabin, or you can walk there. (see map)
9. Sabin’s Cabin
Party: Edgar, Locke, Terra
Here you can sleep in any of the beds and look at things. All of the things in here are “his favorite” something: flowers, dishes, tea, everything. Check the bucked by the stove to get a tonic. After you catch a few winks, exit and go talk to the guy by the well. He will tell you some stuff. Then you can hike (or go back to south Figaro and take a chocobo) to Mt. Kolts, a maze of caves and stuffs. Get into as many fights as possible to gain levels, you’re gonna need them.
10. Mt. Kolts
Party: Edgar, Locke, Terra
Mt. Kolts is “a maze of caves,” although it’s pretty straightforward. There are a couple of hidden chests containing an Atlas Armlet and a Guardian, but the others contain chests. At the end you fight Vargas and meet up with Sabin. When you have to fight with Sabin, select Blitz, and then use the code left arrow, right arrow, left arrow. You will do a pummel on Vargas and he will die. Then you will go out of the caves and to the Returner Hideout. (see map)
11. Returner Hideout
Party: Sabin, Edgar, Locke, Terra
Okay. You enter here and some stuff happens. Save before you talk to Bannon. Look around and talk to everyone. Search pots and buckets and everything. Plus, I’ve heard of a secret place on the right of the storage room that holds a white cape or something, but I’ve never found it. Then go outside and talk to Bannon. If you say yes the first time, you will get a Gauntlet. This is my recommended choice, because you can only get three total throughout the game, where as if you say no to Bannon and go to the storage room and talk to the guy there, (or say no to Bannon three times) you will get a Genji Glove. These are found on Dragons on the Floating Continent and in the Cave to the Sealed Gate and other places. Anyway, if you can’t decide which to take, just do what I do. If you’re in a mood to see a boring table scene, go ahead and say yes to Bannon. (however, the table scene can be rather informative, but mostly just boring.) If you’re not, say no 3 times and you’ll skip it and get the Genji Glove. Cool beans. Anyway, here’s the fun part: after this, you will split into groups: Locke goes to South Figaro, and Bannon, Terra, Edgar, and Sabin will go to Narshe. This is the Group you start out with. Anyway, go save once you get control by going straight up from where you start until you get to the save point. Then go back down and your ready to tackle the Lete River…
12. Lete River
Party: Banon, Sabin, Edgar, Terra
In my personal opinion, the Lete River is both the easiest and hardest point in the game. Easiest because as long as you save every chance you get and use Bannon’s “health” command every chance you get in battle, there’s not much else to do. Hardest because Bannon is a weak little wussy boy who falls at the slightest little push. Plus, if he dies, you’re “annihilated.” Also, despite what others say, I think that this first battle with Ultros is the hardest in the game, with maybe one or two exceptions. There are many reasons I think this. One is because you don’t have Scan to tell you how much hp and mp he has left. (his weaknesses are fire and lightening. =) Another is because unless you are really, really patient, none of your characters is at a level above maybe 13. And that’s pushing it. Plus, if Bannon dies, you’re dead. (I know! Who comes up with these things?) Anyway, you, unless you’re lucky or really skilled, will probably end up fighting this battle many times before you win. Just keep trying and eventually you’ll get it. Here’s some tactical advice, though: every chance terra gets, cast fire. Every chance Bannon gets, use health. Edgar and Sabin should use the Autocrossbow and the Pummel. If Ultros says something like “that’s all folks,” he’s done for. If he says “Y…You frighten me” Bannon is dead. “Muscle heads? Hate ‘em!” means he will do a “Tentacle” on Sabin. (when he does a Tentacle individually on you, it means that that person will die. This applies to everyone except Sabin, who is strong enough to withstand it.) Okay. So you beat Ultros. Then what? Well, Sabin goes off on his own. Then Mog comes around and we start the scenarios. The first two I’m going to talk about are fairly easy. The last one, though, is rather hard.
13. The Scenarios
The Scenarios are somewhat difficult to explain. It depends on what order you want to do them in. My suggestion is to do Bannon, Locke, then Sabin. That way, well, um, actually, there is no real reason, except you have to do them in that order so that in the last scenario, Sabin’s, you can keep shadow until barren falls. Otherwise, you loose him earlier and that sucks because you need him. Anyway, the point of all of the scenarios is to get to narshe. I will explain the scenarios in that order.
13a. Bannon’s Scenario
Party: Banon, Edgar, Terra
Okay. This is the easiest scenario of the three. You slide down the lete river and end up on land. You can save now, if you want, but you don’t really need to save at all in this scenario. Anyway, go up to Narshe. They won’t let you in, but do you remember where Locke said “remember this switch, it may come in handy someday”? well, that day is today. Go over to where you came out at in the beginning and press A. the cave will open up and you will be able to walk through. The path is easy and you can fight monsters along the way (oh, joy!) but they are easy. When you get to Arvis’s house, the scenario ends. Easy, huh?
13b. Locke's Scenario
Party: Locke, later Celes
-Mike D.