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To Love or Not to Love

Silver awakened in Blue Fires arms. All that had happened that night was a kiss and then they had fallen asleep, but it was still a nice feeling. Silver snuggled close to Blue and laid her head upon his chest. She knew he wouldn't rush her in to anything, but she wondered how much longer she, could wait. Silver sighed and laid there listening to his heart beat. They were under soft animal skins, which was new to her. She had always slept on soft dry moss or dried grasses, but she really liked this. Blue was still in a deep sleep, so she got up and walked down the cave passage. It never creased to amass her at the size of his home. As she passed the room where she had first awoke in she smiled. The leather with straints were to stop her from thrashing about in her sleep. She was still having night mares, but blue said it was natural after the test.

Blue still wouldn't say much about his color. She had asked who else had known and he said in response, "the test lets the elders look through you mind, if they wanted to know then, they already do." Silver thought that was a veg answer, but ever time she brought it up, he ended it by distracting her and she didn't mind the distraction in return. He really was a good kisser. (Blue if your reading this deflate you ego a bit before we speak ok!) She sighed contentedly at the memory of it, but still had some questions about his color. Since the first time she saw him he had stayed his Silver color. Maybe it was a illusion because she had been some what out of it. Although if it was, then he wouldn't have answered some of her questions, the way he had then. Silver sighed and put the problem behind her.

When she came back to their cave he was gone! So she looked around and still couldn't find him. Finally she went to the lakes and found him their. Well, she thought their was no dought on his color any more. He was a definite blue! He turned and saw her, but didn't shift back in to his usual silver color. He was waiting to see her reaction, she realized. Silver waded in to the water and swam up next to him. He still didn't move, so she slowly eased closer and kissed him. When the kiss broke she saw relief in his eyes and he said to her, "I didn't think you would accept me in my true color, love." Until then Silver hadn't realized how nervous he had been about this moment. "Awwww," she teased "you didn't think I would turn you away juuusstt because of your color, did you?" and before he could respond she hushed him by placing a claw lightly over his mouth. Then thought better of it and replaced her claw with her mouth.

At the end of the day Blue found Silver sitting beside the lake. "What's wrong love," he asked. "I need to go back home, I was chosen to become a master because they needed more of them. Then I left and they are still with out another master, sighed Silver. Blue smiled then replied, "love, they said we could disappear for a normal 8 day week." At that Silver startled, "then they know?" Blue laughed, "of course they know! Just the same as they knew of your feelings toward me. “Silver looked away as she blushed, but Blue ignored it and continued "So tomorrow we go home, love" Silver nodded and then fell asleep on him, but before she did one panicked thought raced through her mind, What will everyone think of blue. Will they kill him because he is different? If so I will die trying to save him, she decided. Then fell asleep.

Blue watched her for a long while after she had dozed off. It was time for others besides the elders to know about his true color and he believed Silver would stand by him, but if she did not he didn't know what he would do with out her. Damn he thought I am falling for her. Yet with another glance at Silver he thought maybe it is not such a bad thing after all.

Going Home