Since it took him until his senior year of high school to realize that he actually had the ability to sing, becoming the lead singer of a rock band was probably the last thing on the mind of Benjamin Deutsch throughout his life. Ben'’s interests usually tended to lie in areas other than music, but he still jumped at the opportunity to be the lead vocalist of The Gravity, even if it was only because he happened to be in the right place at the right time. His musical influences are few, but the Beatles would certainly be considered number one; however, he attributes most of his sense of humor (his redeeming characteristic) to such icons as Adam Sandler, Dana Carvey, and Beavis & Butt-head. Besides singing, Ben sometimes writes lyrics, most notably "Back Again." When he's not throwing his hair in mock-angst to "The Squirrel Song" or conducting a story-time session with "C.J.'’s Orgasmic Fantasy," he likes to write (books, that is), go to Taco Bell, and study Journalism at New York University.