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Jay Buchanan


Jay Buchanan began playing music at age six, when his parents bought him a drum set. Since then, music has become a significant part of his life. He began playing bass at eleven years old, and soon after picked up piano and guitar. His major influences on bass are Paul McCartney, Geddy Lee, Charles Mingus, Paul Chambers, and Gary Carr. As far as bands go, Jay digs the Beatles (early and late), Rush, the Rolling Stones, Phish, The Who, and Pink Floyd. Jay is currently an undergraduate at the University of North Texas, where he studies Double Bass (classically) and is working for his degree in Music Education. He loves The Gravity because they have so much damn fun. Jay personally believes that "Life is temporary... and music is forever."

And now, here's a special tribute to Jay that Manager Berg presented at Hands Across Ben's Grandfather's Basement III: The Cat Did It...

Jay Buchanan is my oldest friend, having fought in both the Vietnam and Korean wars. He is the most musically talented man I know, and is capable of playing bass with one hand better than anyone else I've ever met can play it with two. He has been married to a nice young woman named Jen since before she was born. He has a cat named Fiugzel and a plastic tree.

Jay once belched out the first seven pages of How to Make Friends and Influence People after drinking a barrel full of diesel fuel and three quarts of Brass Monkey. On a dare, he once force-fed homemade chili to a full-grown Siberian tiger through a baby bottle. Jay can crush concrete blocks with his bare hands, see clearly in total darkness, drive while sleeping, shatter glass by whistling through his nose, dissolve marble with the acid in his stomach, and stagnate water with the powers of his mind.

Jay is unable to be harmed by conventional weaponry as a result of spending 9,763 consecutive hours in direct natural sunlight. Jay has the secrets to eternal life locked inside a box made from the bones of martyrs. He draws strength from the suffering of the innocent and from the sorrow of children. He is the absolute master of both Hatred and Pain... and to experience either is to know the soul of Jay Buchanan.

Click here for the JAY BUCHANAN SLIDESHOW!!!



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