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Kidz Cardz

These are cards for you to send to your friends and family. They are easy to send. Each card has a button that will let you E-mail the card to your friend. You can even type your own message.

If you are interested in either joining the Safe for Kidz WebRing or receiving my award click on one of the links below.

Just click on which type of card you want to send to view the list.

If you have any ideas for new cards e-mail me and I will make one. I welcome all suggestions because I don't have many right now. Just click on the bear and the mailbox and you can e-mail me. I hope you liked my cards. :-)

[Here's my old guestbook]

I every E-mail I get. Also I every entry in my guestbook!! I LOVE to get mail and entries in my guestbook so please take the time and send me an E-mail or sign my guestbook.

because I add new cards and update a lot. I hope you have fun here. Please visit my WebRing page. There are GREAT sites to visit, or you can join them too. Also, don't forget to add your site to my page.