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Hi if you want to learn about me this is the right page. I am 33 years old and live in New Jersey with my husband and 2 children. My daughter is 16 years old. She is a junior in High School. My son is 13. He is in the 7th grade. We have 3 pets too. 3 cats, Pumpkin and Bobo. They are brother and sister; but you would never guess. Pumpkin is about 14 pounds and orange. Bobo is about 5 pounds and black. We also have a kitten. His name is Lucky. My daughter named him. He is black & white & very fluffy.

Yep, You guessed it I love Pooh. He is on a lot of my pages. I think he is sooo cute. I like Elmo too. I haven't found a lot of Elmo stuff though. I have 2 Elmo awards on my awards page.

I like music a lot. My favorite type is alternative; but I listen to many different types of music. I like to watch movies too. Some of my favorite movies are: Titanic, Sixth Sense, It's a wonderful life (My favorite Christmas movie)and Breakfast at Tiffanies. That's only naming a few. I have so many.

I LOVE to cook!! I cook many different kinds of foods. My favorite is spanish food. I cook spanish, chinese, jamacian and italian foods. I'm always trying to find new recipes to try. Cooking is a lot of fun to me.

I love to read. I'm always reading a book. As soon as I am done with one I start another. Sometimes I can finish a book in a very short time. My son likes to read too. My daughter doesn't read as much. I try and tell her that reading is the best way to learn things that you did not know before. Even if it is a fun book, there is always something that you can learn from it.

I am very determined to try and put together a lot of fun sites that are kid friendly. So when you come to my site you know that there will be no bad sites. I welcome new ideas for my site too. Right now I only have cards & awards. I would love new ideas and suggestions. I want to broaden my site with other fun things. I was thinking of short stories. E-mail me if you think this is a good idea.

Well, I can't think of too much more about me. When I think of more I will add it. I hope this was able to tell you something about me.