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Are you interested in an award for your great site? Well you came to the right place. You must have a clean, safe site for children. Any age welcome. even if you are a kid at heart, who just enjoys making a safe, fun site for children to learn or have fun at. I ask just one favor. If you could please link the award back to my site so others that made a safe site for kidz can get an award too. Thanks :-). Here are the awards. Just select which one you like, then go to the form page. I will check out your site and if it meets the requirements I will send you the award. After you put the award on your site e-mail me and I will add you to the winners page. Click HERE for the form to fill out.










Remember to e-mail me after you put the award on your site so I can add you to the winners page. Thanks. Also, please feel free to join the Safe For Kidz WebRing. It has the same rules as the award.

The Ring of Awards
This Ring of Awards site is owned by Bettie.
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