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"A Site About Ravens, Crows, and Family"


  • Background
  • Ravens
  • Relationships and Distribution
  • Keeping As "Pets"
  • Corvid Quotes
  • Corvid Poetry
  • Books
  • Rehab
  • Info
  • Links
  • Album
  • Mail
  • SEE MY ARTICLE !!!: AFA Watchbird No.1 2002 Page 32&33.

    Welcome to the Corvid's Nest!!! This site is dedicated to the breeding, study, observation, and conservation of all corvid species (as well as psittacines).

    The majority of people tend to view these birds as foul, vile, corpse devouring vermin, evil omens, or just pests in need of elimination.

    Unbeknownst to most, when viewed beyond the myth and visual repulsion many experience on our roadways, these birds are socially complicated, highly intelligent, and extremely affectionate creatures worthy of our greatest respect.

    **NOTE** All ramblings contained within these pages are based on the authors readings and experience, with any and all information subject to change and correction - much of the information is based on opinion.

    Also, please visit my unrelated pages:

  • Rainforest Room

  • This PetCrows Ring site is owned by

    Robert J. Rush.

    Want to join the PetCrows Ring?
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    This Crows And Ravens site is owned by
    Robert J. Rush.

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    The Corvid's nest

    Raven animation by Lisa Konrad of Animation Arthouse.