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This page is dedicated to recommended and related readings.

The following are some examples of interesting and helpful books:

  • CROWS AND JAYS, A Guide to the Crows,Jays and Magpies of the World. By Steve Madge and Hilary Burn. An excellent selection, diagnostic and compehensive - grouped by family and accompanied by corresponding well painted plates. Very informative but more scientific than entertaining.

  • BIRD BRAINS, The Intelligence of Crows, Ravens, Magpies, and Jays. By Candace Savage. An easy to read and highly entertaining book covering the lives, lore and behavior of Corvid family members. The book, accented with stunning full colored photos, is a terrific addition to every collection - makes a great "coffee table" book.

  • THE AMERICAN CROW AND THE COMMON RAVEN. By Lawrence Kilham. Excellent and indepth field research coupled with personal experiences and tales, makes this well written study a "must have" for any corvine library. Authored by a professor of microbiology emeritus of Dartmouth Medical School.

  • CROWS, JAYS, RAVENS and their relatives. By Sylvia Bruce Wilmore. Well written book that documents corvine evolution and relationships. A plethera of information heads each subsequent chapter describing each type of corvid, and distribution, accented with clear black and white photos. An older book that is currently out of print, but still obtainable.

  • MIND OF THE RAVEN investigations and adventures with wolfbirds. By Bernd Heinrich. What can I say, as anticipated, this was an excellent book that documented in the most delightful way the author's tireless and exciting studies with those "Einsteins" of the bird world. As I read, I felt as though I were one of his assistants along for the ride. Mr. Heinrich, if you need help with your studies, please email me, I'm available! :-)
  • If you are intrigued by any of the preceding titles, they should be available through Barnes& (see the link below) Home Page

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    Robert J. Rush.

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