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What's not to love about perfection? Honesty and passion. You're the purest form of heaven on Earth. What kind of man could lose a feelin' for the nights we spent behind these doors. Livin' every man's dream without wakin' upYes I love you, What's not to love???

This past year has been the best year of my life. I hope you have enjoyed our time together as much as I have and I look forward to a lot more years like this in the future. One more thing .. I love you!!
Love ,

I want to use this space to talk about someone who means the world to me. Yup you have guessed it Jenn the love of my life. Jenn is this most wonderful person who never believes me when I tell her how beautiful she really is. I can never do enough for her even though she protests everything I do for her saying that it is too much and worrying more about my money then i myself do. Through the past year we have had some serious ups and downs and I believe they will only help make us stronger as the time goes by. On April 26th Jenn and I will have been dating for exactly 1 year. Yes Jenn I was wrong it is the 26th not the 24th so shoot me.. Actually though there is a more important date coming up .. The 2nd anniversary of our first kiss. March 12 is the date that we originally kissed (yes i know like over 1 year before we started dating so sue me). If Jenn and I ever get married I already have the details of how I will propose to her and what the ring I would like to have made will look like. talk about looking ahead ;).

I can not tell you where I would be right now if it hadn't been for her. She is my sanity when the day goes nuts. She is my common sense when I have none(which is too often) and she is the reason I am as happy as I am ... Think I am in love??

My best friend is now my girlfriend and I could not be happier if someone dropped a million dollars into my lap and told me to keep it. We are experiencing some problems right now with her family and I wish I could make it all go away and have her in my life forever. To say I love her is an understatement and I just wish she truly realized how true that is. I once heard this saying and it went something like "Take the highest number you can imagine and multiply it by infinity ... and you will still not have even begun to scratch the surface." That in a nutshell is how I feel about this wonderful person.

Well let me tell you a little about this truly wonderful person. She is overly humble. She to me is the most beautiful woman I have ever been graced to see but when I tell her how beautiful she is all she says is "You're too kind." She has the most adorable smile, the brightest and lovliest blue eyes I have ever seen that seem to have a little bit of green in them too. She has brown/blonde hair and is the kindest, gentlest person I know.
Colin Raye says it best when he says "When everyone else would have gone insane, packed it up on the count of rain, everyone else everyone else, anyone but" her. She has stood behind me while I know I am not the easiest person to stand behind sometimes.

Let me ask you you a question? Have you ever found that one person in your life who you could talk about anything and I do mean ANYTHING to? Well I have found that person and I hope that she is in my life for the rest of my days as I want to be in hers. Right now my heart is aching to see her smile and to know that she loves me and wants to be with me as sometimes it is hard to tell with her. I know she loves me in her heart but I just wish she would tell the person who can ease some of the problems how she feels but she is afraid and does not feel that that person will listen to her. No matter how much I beg and plead it has to be her decision to finally say "Let's try to resolve this". I miss her so much right now my heart hurts. :*(

Our Songs

Pictures for Jen

The Story

Poem for Jen

