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Archives & Updates: March 4, 2004
my email

UPDATES: Alright so it's been a while ne
What's been happening is this. I have been busy transfering everything from Spellbound to another account. That's why nothing has been happening at that place for a really long time. Although, if you are one of the lucky ones. You have been able to get a sneek peek at what I have been doing over there. Still not done but it's getting there slowly.

Which is why there has been nothng going on in the anime department. The Trooper Room and Ray of Hope #2 have stalled. It was a huge downer when angelfire slapped in all those adds. I am not sure what to do about it yet. Now that I am transfering all buck tick to another account. I should have more room again. This will take time getting back to these two sites, but I do plan on it.

I found I have changed the submission link on the Trooper Side. It now holds a wallpaper page for buck tick. blame BT it just happend. If you are looking for Fan art or Fan fiction I would suggest another place. I believe I took it down. Since it's been a long time. I will say this. When I made the Trooper Room I made it in another way. I believe I didn't add some information that you could find at theria's or some place else. Keep in mind this site came along before we got the translated dvds of our boys.

The sooner we get Buck-Tick's site moved the better. Believe it or not... even though we put up the wallpaper section already... we still have more to add. So, I guess I better get cracken.

So, until next time enjoy your anime and love your music!! or vise versa :)
Take care every one!
Takii99 aka Wingsofsakon

TRD - yst/rw
Yoroiden - yst/rw
H&S - yst/rw
Wildefyre's Pics&Fics - v'anime
SOUL - yst/rw
M*A*S*H*O - yst/rw
Takii99/WingsofSakon Sites:
The Portal - the collective
ROH#2 - v' anime
Trooper Room - yst/rw
SpellBound - Buck Tick
Supporting Dreamers