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Jellylorum differs according to the production she is in. On Broadway, she actually has the age of Bombalurina and can almost be considered a kitten. On the London stage, she's older and ranges with Jennyanydots and Skimbleshanks. Jellylorum sings the song about Gus, who is belived to be either her father or her grandfather. Some also think Gus to be her mate--it all depends on what you interpret. Like the actor who plays Gus, during "Growltiger's Last Stand" she adds to her costume and becomes the opra-singing Griddlebone, love of Growltiger. As Jellylorum in the London production, she seems to be quite motherly towards the kittens with the help of Jellylorum. In the Broadway production, she is almost like a kitten herself, but still helps to maintain order among the tribe.

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