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Today is

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From Heaven I found a penny today just lying on the ground But it's not just a penny This little coin I've found
Found pennies come from heaven That's what my Grandpa told me He said Angels toss them down Oh, how I loved that story He said when an Angel misses you They toss a penny down Sometimes just to cheer you up Make a smile out of your frown So don't pass by that penny When you're feeling blue
It may be a penny from heaven
That an Angel tossed to you.

I cannot change the way I am,
I never really try,
God made me different and unique,
I never ask him why.

If I appear peculiar,
There's nothing I can do,
You must accept me as I am,
As I've accepted you.

God made a casting of each life,
Then threw the mold away,
Each child is different from the rest,
Unlike as night from day.

So often we will criticize,
The things that others do,
But, do you know, they do not think,
The same as me and you.

So God in all his wisdom,
Who knows us all by name,
He didn't want us to be bored,

That's why we're not the same


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Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a Mystery and Today is a gift:
that's why we call it "The Present."

Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.


 In the arms of the angels may you find some comfort here

  If I could catch a rainbow
  I would do it just for you
 And share with you it's   beauty
  On the days you are feeling blue.
  If I could build a mountain.
  You could call it your very own
  A place to find serenity
  A place to be alone.
  If I could take your troubles
  I would toss them in the sea
  But all these things I'm finding
  Are impossible for me.
  I cannot build a mountain
  Or catch a rainbow fair
  But let me be what I know best
  A friend that's always there.

A Paradox of Our Time

You've Got Mail

Valentine Friend

I Wish You

Foot Prints in the Sand

Women Have Strengths

Dr.Seuss Explains

Snowball Fight 99/00




The Letter

Not Looking

Speak to Me

To Touch Heart

Women's T-Shirts

Your My Friend




Art Of Romance Award Winner

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Thank you for Visiting
May '99

  Click on the picture to visit my other site "Autumn's Place"