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UNDER CONSTRUCTION![]() South park is now in its nineth season. Created by Matt Stone and Trey Parker, South Park quickly became the a huge hit on Comedy Central. It all started when Matt and Trey made a short little animated Christmas card about 4 boys and an evil snowman called Frosty vs. Jesus. They then made another short called Santa vs. Jesus which was better made. Comedy central liked the show so much they decided to by the rights. The show has grown over the year including a movie, South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut, and many products such as DVDs, CDs, plush toys, posters, and many more. The show is not good for young kids due to the violence and vulgar language but for anyone who is a teen or an adult its a must see. Also if you look beyond all the "bad" stuff South Park tends to have good morals and a lesson to be learned. Below I have placed descriptions of each season so please check them out. They are not full episode spoilers they just give a bit of information on the episodes from each season. Back to Top Season Description: In the first season we are introduced to Kyle, Stan, Kenny, and Cartman. Cartman gets an anal probe was the pilot episode of South Park. To date it is still a fan favorite. Cartman get abducted by aliens and whenever anyone tells him so he denies. He had a satalite dish inplanted in him and when he farts he farts fire. We also meet Stans girlfriend Wendy and how he throws up when he is inlove. The next episode is Weight Gian 4000. In this episode Cartman cheats in a writing assignment which makes him win a prize presented by Kathy Lee Gifford. Mr. Garrison holds a grudge on her for winning a talent show when they were younger by throwing her voice with 2 puppets so he plans to kill her. Wendy investigates Cartman's winning entry and Cartman goes on Weight Gian 4000 to bulk up for his big day. Cartman eventually gains so much weight he gets bed ridden and Mr. Grarrison is stoped by Stan and Wendy when he tries to kill Kathy Lee. This episode is called Volcano. In this episode the boys go hunting with Jimbo and Ned in the wilderness. Meanwhile a volcano is about to erupt and the only one who can save the town is Mr. Marsh. In the wilderness Jimbo and Ned are teaching the boys who to use a gun and how not to spill there beer. They told some scary stories one of which was told by Cartman about Skuzzlebutt who has a celery stick hand and Patrick Duffy for a leg. Everyone laughed at him saying how stupid his sounds. Stan tries to impress his Uncle Jimbo but he can not shoot anything but Kenny on the other hand is a pro and becomes Jimbos nephew for the trip which makes Stan jealous. The volcano starts to erupt and the town decides to dig a trench to divert the lava but the accidently make it so the kids can not get back. It turns out that Skuzzlebutt is real and he makes a wicker basket and saves the boys from the lava. The town thanks Skuzzlebutt and stan shoots him so he can finally kill something. This doesnt make the crowd happy. Chef sings Hot Lava Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride is next on the list. Stan finds out his dog is gay and tries to make him striaght. The school also starts the football season and Chef is the coach. Everyone is placing bets because Stan is the best player on the team and they want to beat the spread. Stans dog runs away and finds Big Gay Al's place. Stan is looking all over for him and is going to miss the big football gay which is making everyone mad that they will loose there money. Stan finds Big Gay Al's and learns about how being gay is ok and he gets his dog and goes back to the game and beats the spread. He then tells everyone about Big gay Al and takes them to see all the townspeoples missing gay animals. Big Gay Al thanks Stan for showing the people the being gay is ok. An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig is when an episode where the boys need to make small potbellied elephants so people can have them in there home. They first go to Mophisto for help in making it but all he had was four assed animals but he did take a sample from Stan and made a clone which terrorized the town. They took Kyle's elephant and Cartman's pig to get them drunk and have sex so they can make a baby. In this episode is the first time we see Stan's sister Shelly beat him up. Stan also got blamed for all the evil things his clone did. When the boys pig was giving birth it turned out looking like Mr. Garrison. In Death Stan's Grandpa wants to die. He keeps convincing Stan to kill him but he refuses and he also keeps calling Stan Billy. He also provoked Cartman to kill him but the boys stoped Cartman before he did anything. Eventually Stan was convinced and agreed to kill his grandpa but then death showed up and tried to kill the boys. It turned out that Death was only after Kenny the whole time. Grandpa was pissed but he got some advice for the ghost of his grandpa who also called him billy and how its wrong to ask people to kill him. The other part oif the episode is that the boys got in trouble for watching Terrance and Philip and Kyle's mom started to protest the televison network to get the show taken off the air. Pinkeye is when the town gets attacked by zombies which the doctors think all have pink eye. Cartman gets in trouble for dressing like Hitler and then the principal makes him into a ghost that makes him look like a KKK member which pisses Chef off. Kenny is constintly bioting people and turning them into zombies and the boys cant get any candy when he attacks the people. Stan also had a gfight with Wendy when she dressed up like Chewbacca like almost everyone in class and stuck stan dressed up looking like a girl. The boys stop the the zombies by cutting off there heads but they found out that was wrong and they needed to kill Kenny who was the main zombie. Wendy also turned into a zombi and Stan considered killing her for making him dress like a girl but Stan just couldn't do it. Wendy won the contest for best costume even if she looks like everyone else. In Damien a new kid comes to South park elementry. He is the son of Satan and causes havok on the playground. Cartman is also planning his birthday party and telling people what they have to buy him. Damien turns kenny into a platypuss and befriends Pip when the students think he is a freak. Satan comes to South park and challanges Jesus to a boxing match. The townspeople place bets on Satan since he is bigger and stronger then Jesus. They fight and Satan takes a dive so he can get all the money from the people when he was the only one who bet on Jesus. Cartmans birthday was ruined cause Kyle didn't get him what he wanted and he told everyone to get the hell out. In Starvin Marvin the boys want to adopt a kid from etheopia so they can get a cool sportswatch. It is also Thanksgiving and Mephisto is making gentically altered super turkeys who take over the town. Later the boys wind up with Marvin from Etheopia instead of the watch and they are pissed and call the company. The government came to get Marvin but took Cartman by mistake. The town faught the evil turkeys in a spoof of the movie Braveheart and Cartman had to get food away from etheopia. Eventually Cartman comes back and Marvin goes back home with a bunch of dead turkeys so him and his family can eat. Mr. hankey the Christmas Poo is the story of a piece of poo who comes to town on Christmas for people who have fiber in there diet. The only person to believe in him is Kyle and he is sent to a mental institution for it. The school is making a play for the holidays but everything offends everyone and they wind up making a horrible play. Cartman sings a song about Kyle's mom being a bitch. Chef asks where Kyle is and the kids say in a mental institution for believing in Mr. Hankey. Chef believes in Mr Hankey too and everyone decides to get kyle out. Everyone is then happy and singing and Kenny finally has an episode where he doesnt die. Tom's Rhinoplasty is the next episode. In this episode Mr. Garrison gets a nose job and a substitue teacher turns the boys on. Wendy gets jealous when Stan pays more attention to the new teacher over her and she will do anything to get Stan back. Mr. Garrison's new no0se makes him look like David hasselhoff and all the ladies are after him. Chef tells the boys that the new teacher is a lesbian and the boys try to become lesbians themselves. Stan wins a contest and gets to have dinner with the teacher wich makes Wendy extremely pissed. Wendy then hire Arabs to have the teacher shot into the sun to be killed. Mecha Streisand is about a magical triangle found when the boys are on a dig for arrow heads. Cartman finds it but then throws it away and kyle picks it up and gets all the credit. Barbra Striesand comes to South park to look for the triangle and kidnaps the boys to get it. When she gets the triangle she turns into a huge metal T-Rex. There is a huge battle between here and other giant monsters that spoof Godzilla type movies. She gets punched in the nose and the triangle falls out. Kyle throws it in the trash and Ike finds it and becomes Mecha Ike. Cartman's Mom is a Dirty Slut is the last episode for season 1. This cliffhanger left people wondering who is Cartman's mom. Cartman is depressed when the father and son picnic come to school and he starts playing with dolls. The boys tape him and send it to americas funniest home videos to make some money. Cartman asks his mom who his dad is and she starts a story about the drunken barnyard dance where she meet an american indian. Cartman believes this is his dad so he goes and visits what he thinks is his dad but he learns that his mom also had sex with chef. Now cartman goes to chef acting black anbd leanrs from chef that mr. Garrison could be his father. Cartman is not pleased but goes to a bar where mr. garrison is and he finds out that his mom basically has had sex with everyone in town. Mephisto tells cartman that he needs alot of money to do a blood test on the whole town but Cartman doesnt have any money. He goes to Stan and kyle all sad and finds out that they entered a contest and that if they win he can have some of the money. Cartman sees the video and gets extremely pissed. Even tho they lost the grnad prize they still got a runner up prize and Cartman was able to get the blood test. When Mephisto was going to anounce who cartmans Dad is Cartman finds out that he has to wait even longer to find out. Back to Top Season Description: Season 2 starts off with the episode that pissed off many fans. For April fools day instead of airing the rest of cartman's Mom is a Dirty Slut they aired Terrence and Philip Not Without My Anus. In this episode Terrence and Philip where on trial for murder and was blamed by Scott or as they call him a dick. Fortunately they were found not guilty and Scott was mad. He set them up to go to Iraq to find Terrence's daughter who he fathered with Celien Dion. When they found his daughter she was safe and sound but when they got back to Canada it was taken over by Saddam Hussian. They needed to stop Saddam so they set up a plan at the football game and had everyone fart till it killed Saddam and his men. The people of canada were happy and ripped Saddam apart. Cartman's Mom is Still a Dirty Slut finally aired and Cartman finally found out who his Dad was, But before he could find out Mephisto was shot. Americas Most Wanted came to town and filmed a short clip of what could have cause Mephisto to be shot. Meanwhile the kids and Chef are at the hospital waiting for Mephisto to get better but the blizzard made all the electricty go off. Back at the filming of Americas Most Wanted there power goes out to and the townspeople decide to eat someone every hour so they dont starve.Throughout the show Mrs. Cartman is trying to have Cartman aborted by sleeping with the heads of the town and state and president and then realizes that she doesnt want an abortion but she really wanted to put him up fr adoption. In the end Mephisto is saved and anounces the cartmans Mom is a hermaphrodite and she is really his dad. The townspeople feel bad for eating the Americas most Wanted cast and decide never to mention it agian. Chiken Lover is the next episode. In this episode someone is going around having sex with chickens and only Barbrady can solve the mystery. Unfortunatly he can not read any of the notes left by the chicken lover. Meanwhile the kids of South park are learning to read and they get to pick books out from the book mobile. Barbrady winds up being in the kids class to learn to read and he gives Cartman the autority to be a cop until he can go back on duty. Cartman starts to abuse his autority beating up all the people he comes across. Eventually Barbrady learns to read and is able to go back on duty to stop the chicken lover. The chicken lover turns out to be the book mobile driver and Barbrady realizes the reading sucks. Ikes Wee Wee is about Kyle's brother Ike is having a bris. Kyle trys his best to make sure Ike doesnt get his penis cut off but he also doesnt know what a bris is. He sent Ike away and made a fake Ike made of bones which got the attention of a dog. The dog attacked the fake Ike and Kyles parents thought Ike had died. They had a funeral and Kyle finds out that Ike was adopted. This pissed Kyle off and he told the truth about how he hid Ike. When they braught Ike back Kyle was ignoring him for not being his real brother but when Ike was about to have his bris Kyle stood up for him and said no one was going to chop off his penis. The rabi told Kyle what a bris was and everyone was more comfortable about it. Back to Top Season Description: Back to Top Season Description: Back to Top Season Description: Back to Top Season Description: Back to Top Season Description: Back to Top Season Description: Back to Top Season Description: |