As to continue our "adventure", Michelle, Val, Monica, and I proceeded to CBS studios right after TODAY SHOW (it was around 9:30 or so). We got there around 10:00 and just hung out until we got let inside the studios.
I have to say one thing, WE GOT LOCKED IN THE BATHROOM THANKS TO MONICA! (LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL!) A good thing there was somebody out there and they kicked the door opened. Imagine that? Getting locked in a bathroom. A highlight of my day....ROTFLMAO!
During our wait (we were one of the first few people. Just wanna say HELLO TO EVERYONE THAT WAS THERE), some of the workers from CBS studios came out and started talking to us. They were all really nice and one of them even told us when and where the band was going to enter (since there were so few of us and we'd been standing out there). He said for us not to "tell the whole world" (as I quote him), so we didn't. :)
Well, as usual, the band was late arriving; but it was worth the wait as I finally got SIMON to sign something of mine....LOL (He even put my name on it)! There were about eight of us there and we all got autographs. Another highlight of my great day.
This concert / taping was great too. We all had a WONDERFUL time singing and dancing in our seats. The songs were as follows:
The guys looked REALLY GOOD. They had different clothes on from the TODAY SHOW. SIMON was wearing a white tight shirt, tight navy pants, and black sneakers. NICK had on a white shirt with little blue flowers (????) on it and white pants.
SIMON kept making us laugh during the commercial breaks with all his "gestures" and NICK even told a joke! (LOL, it was funny, and a first time me hearing him tell one....LOL!)
People, all I gotta say is, it was so EXCELLENT! This day I'm never going to forget (and neither will anyone else that was there).
My CBS pictures (Click the photo above)