Mix-n-Match: A Look at the Steps of the Scientific Method Duration: 40 - 50 minutes Objective: Students will be able to match the steps of the scientific process and their definitions, outlining the scientific method. Materials: 7 pieces of poster board (cut in half) Key Question: "Why do you think the steps of the scientific method are important?" Procedure:
the problem in the form of a question.
2. Distribute the cards to the students. Ask the students to find their match. Students without cards should assist those who do. When the students feel they have successfully made their matches look at them as a whole and discuss the results. Work together to make any modifications and discuss the reasoning. Standards:
Step-by-Step: An Exploration of Scientific Method Duration: 80 - 90 minutes Objective: Students will be able to demonstrate the order and steps of the scientific method to predict the outcome of an experiment. Materials:
of items can vary with class size)
Key Questions:
1. Put the matched scientific method cards up on the chalk board ledge in the classroom. 2. Break the students into groups of 4-6 students. 3. Distribute the supplies; two food items and a stop watch to each group. 4. Explain to the groups that they will be dropping the items and timing how long its takes the item to hit the floor and how this experiment applies to the scientific method. 5. As a class, decide which of the steps would come first in the process. 6. Have groups independently execute only the first step. 7. Now, determine the next step of the scientific method from the cards, and complete only that step in the experiment. 8. Continue this for all seven steps. Students should record the information for each step. 9. Summarize the two activities and reinforce the importance of the scientific method. Assessment: Students turn in the information they recorded during the experiment demonstrating the steps of the scientific method. Standards:
EXTENSION LESSON On the Way Through: Exploring the Digestive System Objective: Students will be able to label the parts of the digestive system. Materials:
Assessment: Students should be able to answer the following questions: What are the
two types of digestion?
Building the Pyramid: A Look at the Food Pyramid Duration: 40 - 50 minutes Objective: Students will be able to categorize the food that they eat via the food pyramid. Materials:
Key Questions:
2. After reading the teacher initiates a discussion about the role food plays in the students lives. Students share the types of foods they eat. The teacher starts to turn the conversation to the types of foods children should eat. 3. The discussion should move to the food pyramid on the board (the teacher should have drawn this on the board prior to the lesson; the categories should not be labeled). Explain that everything we eat fits into this pyramid. 4. Write the categories on the board. Help the students figure out which category goes where in the pyramid. 5. Once that is finished, help the students brainstorm foods to fit into each category and write them on the pyramid. Upon brainstorm completion, talk about the appropriate servings for each. 6. Break the class into groups of 4-6 students. Distribute a hypothetical days' menu to each group. Only one group should get a menu that has a balanced diet. Have the groups work to figure out what categories the food on their menus fall into. Then have them determine if it is a balanced diet. Discuss the results as a whole class. Assessment: Have the students complete a similar activity for their evening meal. Standards:
Quantity Qualifying: Data Through the Scienctific Method Duration: 60 - 90 minutes Objective: Students will be able to understand the use of the scientific method by analyzing the information recorded in their food journal. Materials:
Key Questions:
2. Class needs to qualify which category of the pyramid the food falls into. 3. Class also needs to discuss and determine how to make the measurements/information more scientific or concrete. Example:
4. Teacher needs to engage the students in a conversation about the food they ate. If they had a potato, what kind of potato, what did they put on the potato, etc. 5. Upon completion, the class will chart the amount of servings they consumed in each category. 6. Teacher now lists the steps of the scientific method and have the class correlate the procedure/activity to the scientific method. 7. Create a circle graph (pie chart) based on the weekly tally information for each student and as a class. 8. Have students compare their personal circle graph to the class average circle graph. Assessment: Homework assignment - Students will determine the servings of their evening meals utilizing the qualifiers the class determined. Standards:
Note to Teachers: This is a fun hereditary lesson which can help your students understand personal traits and basic genetics, which influences their taste buds. Note to Teachers:Discover Magazine, July Issue, "Tourist in a Taste Lab" is an article which aids a teacher in setting the foundation to introduce the concept "Super Taster." This article could be used as a Read-Aloud or as a Jigsaw activity.(cooperative learning) Super Tasters: Examining Our Taste Buds Duration: 120 minutes (over three days) Objective:
will be able to conduct an experiment and compare their data to a similiar
experiment currently under way at Yale University and be able to categorize
themselves as a Super-taster, a medium-taster, or a non-taster.
Key Questions:
Below are
visual examples of super taster, medium taster, and non-taster:
2. Have all participants wash their hands. 3. Have students swish a little water around in their mouths to rinse their mouths. 4. Distribute materials to the groups of 3 - 5 students. 5. Have students place a small amount of food coloring in their cup. Put a sterile end of the Q-tip in the food coloring and use it to swab the food coloring over another student's tongue. 6. Quickly place a reinforcing label on the center of the tip of the tongue. 7. Blot the tongue with the waxy side of the wax paper. NOTE: It may be necessary to blot several times so that the food coloring is not too "bloby" and will be easy for the students to count. AND, make sure to keep plenty of towels or napkins around in case of spills. 8. Each child must log their results on a data table. They will be accountable to report the amount of taste buds counted on their tongue, gender, age, taster category, and in what state they live. NOTE: Super-tasters can have as many as 50; medium-tasters, 15 to 30; non-tasters, as few as 10. Example of Data Collection
9. Once
you have collected your data per class, sort the information by male/female
and the type of taster category they fall into. Example listed below:
Create averages or percentages for the class data. Each class should
analyze data based on gender and taste categories and depict the results
in graph form.
Note to Teachers:This link focuses on "taste" and has many extension activities that will support "Super taster" lessons.(please check this site!) Part Two
11. Have all participants wash their hands. 12. Have students swish a little water around in their mouths to rinse their mouths. 13. Distribute materials to the groups of 3 - 5 students. 14.
Have students place a sterile end of the Q-tip in cup A1 and swab the solution
over another student's tongue. Rate how salty the solution tasted
on a scale from 0 - 100. Record.
Sample Data:
that this student overall would be rated as a medium-taster.
15. Swish mouth with water. Have students place a sterile end of the Q-tip in cup A2 and swab the solution over another student's tongue. Rate how salty the solution tasted on a scale from 0 - 100. Record. 16. Have students repeat this process until all solutions have been tested. 17. Class compare results to the research results. Assessment: The teacher will review students recorded data. Standards:
This project has been developed by teachers from Public Schools No. 8 and 18 in Paterson, New Jersey in conjunction with CIESE at Stevens Institute of Technology, Bank Street College, and Saint Peter's College with support through an Eisenhower Professional Development Program that is administered by the New Jersey State Department of Education. |
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