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Step 3 - Setup
Now you should see a window that looks like this.

*** Follow the numbers***

1. Click here and you will see another window pop-up that looks like this.

Then click "add" and you should get another window that looks like that.

Now here you should type in "Half-Life" and click ok.

2. Now it should say half-life in the list. Make sure it selected and click "add" (number2) You should get a little brows window, now locate the ".fdg" file wich should be in you wc directory.

3. Now click browns and select the directory that "hl.exe" is located in. (Example "C:\Sierra\Half-Life")

4. This option is not all that important but lets say if you are working on a mod "ia" than type in "C:\Sierra\Half-Life\tfc" or whatever the folders name is.

5. Ok here select where the valve folder is located. (Example "C:\Sierra\Half-Life\valve")

6. Here is where your ".rmf, .map" files are going to be located.
(Example "C:\maps")

If you did things right the window should look like this.

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Immediate Action
Kamil Luzak