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                President-        Joseph E. Zawacki                 FOP Lodge 189 President

                1st V.P.-           Mike McNamara                   FOP Lodge 189 1st V.P.

                 Secretary-        Kevin O'Connell                   FOP Lodge 189 Secretary

                 Treasurer-        Eric Givens                          FOP Lodge 189 Treasurer

                 State Trustee-   Ken Metz                             FOP Lodge 189 Trustee                                   

              SGT. Of Arms-  Mike Gorman                                        

                                      Chaplain-         David Heskiel                  FOP Lodge 189 Chaplain



Second Annual Amtrak Police F.O.P. Lodge 189 Yankee Tailgate Party!!!!!!!


GAME: Yankee’s VS Toronto Blue Jays

DATE: Friday April 29th 2005

TIME: Pre-game BBQ Starts at 4PM

      Game starts at 7:05 PM

       BBQ continues throughout game until 1 hour after game


PLACE: Parking Lot #1 on 161st (entrance on 161st near intersection

       Of Jerome and Ogden Avenues)Note: There is a parking fee

       If parking in Lot #1 (Subways B, D or #4)


*Limited amount of tickets available*

*First paid, First Served*

RSVP by 4-15-04

 $30.00 Adult

$20.00 Children under 18

Cash or check payable to F.O.P Amtrak Police Lodge 189

 Price includes game ticket BBQ and Beverages

See Paul Pisano at PSNY

Or call 212-630-6341


 New Post Office Box for all Lodge #189 Business  

                                                                                    Amtrak Police FOP NJ Lodge #189

                                                                                                     ATTN: Secretary

                                                                                                        P.O. Box 3215

                                                                                        South Amboy, NJ  08879-3215




We are now taking orders for family member courtesy cards. These cards are made of brass and there is no expiration date on the card.

Anyone interested can email me at


Let me know the style, your rank and Family members name.

Each card will cost $12.00 which includes shipping and handling


                                 Style A   


                                  Style B 

Amtrak Police F.O.P. Lodge #189

Associate Member Package's




                                                                                               MEMBERSHIP CARD
                                                  LARGE ACRYLIC EMBLEM FOR CAR
                                                               WINDOW DECAL
                                                              COURTESY CARD



                                                  MEMBERSHIP CARD
                                                  LARGE ACRYLIC EMBLEM FOR CAR
                                                                WINDOW DECAL
                                                               COURTESY CARD
                                                      ASSOCIATE MEMBER WALLET



                                                 MEMBERSHIP CARD
                                                             WINDOW DECAL
                                                             COURTESY CARD
                                                   ASSOCIATE MEMBER WALLET
                                              GOLD SHIELD MEDALLION FOR CAR
                                                    MEDALLION WINDOW MOUNT


                        Please Contact F.O.P Lodge #189 Secretary O’Connell AT



On June 4th 2004 New York members of Lodge 189 held their first Yankee tailgate party. 94  $30.00 tickets were sold that entitled people to a barbeque from 4pm to 7:05. One ticket to the Yankee/Texas game and one hour barbeque after the game. This event was a huge success and other members are encouraged to look into having one of these events in your area. If anyone is interested in having one, you can contact me and we will help you along. Not only did we make money for our lodge, we had a great time. Paul  Pisano did a great job not only running this event but also did a hell of a job with the food. THANK YOU PAULIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOP Lodge 189